Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ProTrader - Financial Trading Game

You can practice and develop your skill in trading of futures with Pro-Trader. It is fun and does not involve real money. Read this document.

You can play the game here (Pro-Trader). Enjoy. Have fun.


  1. Wow!! over 1 millions visitor since 07.. After retired, can become full-time blogger like Xiaxue lah..

    No ads at your blog. So u r not earning extra from displaying ads but I think u are already quite rich being a CEO previously n well educated in finance.

    Anyway, I'm going to use the trading game.
    Thanks, Mr. Tan Kin Lian. I'm gonna visit this site often..

    Mr. Fatboy Slim

  2. i can't play this game, there seem to be some kind of error.
