Wednesday, September 23, 2009

RED Portal (10) - Top BMP, AMX, Popular Places

The RED Portal now has the following Search options:

Top BMP - display the highest 20 benchmark prices, showing the most expensive projects in Singapore
Top AMX - display the top 20 amenity index, showing the projects with the best nearby amenities (i.e. MRT, shopping, schools)
Popular places - shows all projects within 1 km of a selected place, e.g. school or shopping mall

The top BMP and AMX will be changed later to show 100 projects. (Real Estate Data)


  1. How about showing the lowest 100 projects? While I would be curious to know which is the most expensive projects in Singapore, having info on which is the most affordable projects is more practical to property buyers.

  2. Hi
    Let me see if the lowest 100 BMPs are reliable. Maybe, many projects do not have any BMP due to inadequate data.
