Saturday, September 05, 2009

Research 1 - Cost of Raising a Child

I wish to ask for a volunteer to carry out this research and to submit a report to me. If you can volunteer, please reply to

1. If a country has more children, how many additional jobs will be created, e.g. teachers, doctors, nurses, carers and other occupations that are directed connected to taking care of the child from birth till the child enters the workforce. You can add the hardware cost, such as building schools, child care centers and medical clinics for the children.

2. Estimate the total annual cost and divide by the number of children. This will be the cost for each year of raising a child.


  1. I am a Singaporean. I feel that the problem with the government is they push the people to their limits by increasing the prices of everything. Then give a little back in term of baby bonus to push the limit further and gain maximum future benefit. Who actually benefited from it? This is not going to work. I am a human and not a walking economic unit and so do my future children.

    Just image, do any parents want their children to be a future walking economic unit or a human? Singapore is a “company” where its CEOs are the ministers and lots of managers whom they are MPs. To make things worse, these MPs can make crazy unkind remarks that always make me fall of my chair.

    Singaporeans are just merely “shareholders” that claim job credits as well as GST credits (which actually derive out of my pocket) which is just too little.

    Embrace the foreigners is the short cut and a cheap solution to our graying population. More babies, children? It is just too too expensive for the government who lose billions Singapore dollar to over-sea investment. That is also a too long term investment which the government cannot afford when the election is held every 5 years. What has left for me as well as others?
    More babies for Singapore? I must really think twice if the baby is a male. If the baby is a female maybe can chn cai become a Singaporean. However, male or female baby is not up to me to decide. To uproot is another alternative solution.

    Future foreigners will benefit while my children will serve NS is what I cannot accept. I really need to think more on this. I do not want my future generation to suffer like me.
    I am far far too disappointed with this government.

  2. My sons said whatever carrots dangled by this Govt will never entice them to get married or procreate. Not in Singapore, but they would do so if they uproot to another country where they are more treasured as a citizen.. They feel like second class citizens here. So no point producing another second class Singaporean. It's better to be a PR here.

  3. To me, if a problem can be solved by money, it’s not a problem, unless the problem is there’s no money.

    So in this case, I don’t really think it’s materialistic thinking that’s the causing the baby drought.

    Or maybe it is all about the money. Then the solution is very simple, almost brainless: Pump in more money. I believe they will increase the Baby bonus again in the future, when fertility rate is officially a national crisis.

    I have to agree that the mindset has to change. Right now, when you go around asking people when they are getting married or when they are having babies, it’s always “Where got enough money now?” The scary part is they are saying that without even thinking. Changing people’s mindset takes a very long time.

    It’s very simple to predict how people will behave. Just find out how they are motivated. The government should start with some basic research by asking the right questions.
