Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Six principles of life

I received this e-mail.
  • No point using limited life to chase unlimited money
  • No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.
  • Money is not yours until you spend it.
  • When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth;when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.
  • How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.
  • No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.


  1. That doesn't speak out that many people just can't defeat the devil named "Inflation" where fiat money could be printed out of thin air at anytime whenever our government wants to, LOL. "Inflation" will bring down everybody's standard of living and keep everybody on the rat running wheel! If you don't work and earn more, tomorrow you might not even able to afford a chicken rice meal (notice last time SGD 2 became SGD 3.5 NOW!)

  2. The reason people is chasing after money is because they feel insecure. They are feeling so because most of the Asian societies do not have social security and the education for their children is not free.

    We are not going after a lot of money. We are just trying to meet daily expenses.

  3. I agree in particular with your 4th and 6th point. Unfortunately most of us don't have a choice but to slog along...

  4. Life can be simple if it is your choice.

    Go Udon Thani (ex-US Air Base), drink rain water (sweety & pure), inhale fresh air (u can not buy), eat organic rice and kampong chicken, no property tax, cheap beer and American lifestyle,
    international hospital treat u like a king......

    Why stay here and grow your white hair?

  5. What that guy is saying in a nutshell is "Lead your life in moderation"

  6. Very, very true!


  7. Hello REX comments as follows,
    It is true that many people (majority) actually have no choice but to slog it out because their savings are low, their salaries are low, and there is no social security.
    On the other hand there are, even though minority in percentage terms, a sizeable no. of people in terms of headcounts - who earned enough (eg the elites in the government or private sector) to stop working immediately. They would still enjoy their lifestyles and would be able to see their families through. But they cling on to collect obscene salaries each month, and worst still do not have a conscience in carrying about their duties, for fear of losing their jobs and power.. Such people should consider carefully the advice of the wise sayings of this posting in the blog and respond in a manner which can refresh their souls and create happiness, fairness and opportunites for the masses.

  8. Hello Rex,
    Good comments.
