Thursday, September 24, 2009

Slow recovery of global economy

Many analysts have commented that the global economy is still not "out of the woods". Unemployment continues to be high. The current euphoria in the stock market is due to the injection of government funds to prop up the economy.

America faces this situation now. I think that our government leaders are also hinting that Singapore faces a similar situation.


  1. Singapore has one more negative. High property prices, even HDB!

    And the govt is not too concerned about it, still saying it is very affordable!

    I guess they are still very confident at the next election. Maybe judging from the state of the opposition and the great number of new citizens! Haha

  2. If you have been reading the papers for the past year when the financial crisis started, you read a lot of letters to the forum pages speaking about people not being able to land a job even after training. I saw a similar article in MY PAPER again this morning. It is obvious that the recession is still ongoing.

  3. There is no recession.
    Look at our expressways. Packed with cars and trucks. People still have jobs and money to pay for petrol and loans.
    Look at property launches. Packed with families and children. people still have jobs and CPF to pay for their homes.
    Look at the stock market. Packed with transactions of willing buyer and sellers. People still have jobs and money to trade.
    Look at the TOTO and 4D outlets. Packed with people placing bets on football etc. People still have jobs and money.
    Look at shopping malls. Packed with people buying mooncakes. People still have jobs and money to pay $60 for 4 mooncakes.

    There is no recession.

    Governments around the world are pouring tons on money into their economies. Ride the wave. No worries. Its all I-O-U.. and when they realise that its all too big... just write it off...simple. After all, they are the government!
    Dont like it?.. then come out with a better idea.
    The alternative is to watch chaos and disaster.

    So, live and enjoy the sunshine while its still there.. eat at Crystal Jade, vacation in Canada,buy a BMW 7 series and rent a luxury yacht and enjoy it all. Dont worry, it will all be written off. No sweat.
