Saturday, September 19, 2009

Swiss model of health care

This seems to be a very good model. Singapore's model may be quite close to it and could be better in controlling some aspects of health care. Read this article.


  1. S'pore has done better in controlling cost. Based on the same source used in the article, healthcare spending as % of GDP (2006) in S'pore is 3.4%, Swiss 11.3%, USA 15.3%.

    Coverage here is most likely not as universal as Swiss, but is certainly far above 1/3 of Swiss, which is the outcome (healthcare cost). S'pore model looks respectable in this regard - low cost, good yield.

    I've no idea what drives the difference. Feel that the free choice in Swiss of physician/specialist could be among the reasons.

  2. The Swiss model is more complete, compared to Singapore. They only have 1 insurance cover per person. In Singapore, we have many insurance covers for each person, i.e. employer, Medishield, and personal health insurances.

    Singaporeans pay too much overlapping premium, which is wasteful. It is also costly to administer the Singapore system.

    Insurance is badly arranged in Singapore. We can follow the Swiss system.

    The low cost in Singapore is due to a dominant sector of public sector hospitals.
