Monday, October 12, 2009

Battle of PayTV Operators

SingTel has announced attractive packages for the football channels that are lower than the current packages offered by Starhub. But it does not solve the underlying probelm.

The two PayTV operators (i.e. SingTel and Starhub) cannot expect consumers to have two set top boxes (even if they are provided free) and two sets of wiring in the home. It is also inconvenient to switch between set top boxes.

I suggest that the Media Development Authority should intervene in in the interest of efficiency, reduce waste, and looking after the interest of consumers and introduce the following measures:

a) Allow the customer to choose a delivery channel, i.e. SingTel or Starhub
b) Require the delivery channel to carry the third party content channels at their content rates plus an additional charge (which should be regulated).

For example, an existing consumer with Starhub as the delivery channel should be allowed to watch the football channels at a regulated rate, which could be the same rate charged by SingTel plus an additional charge.

Tan Kin Lian

1 comment:

  1. I think all the soccer matches should not broadcast on free channels and be sponsored by interested companies like beer manufacturers.
