Sunday, October 25, 2009

Belgian prosecutor wants Citibank to repay 'duped' savers

Read this report. The public prosecutors in other countries are more active in protecting the interest of consumers. I hope that our authority can also be more active.


  1. Hi Mr. Tan, this write up is very useful and eductional for me and I believe it applies too to many people. Thanks.

    I've a question and hope you can share your expertise further.

    Do we just look at the effect of deduction and check that it is ok, then go ahead. How do u also consider the effect of deduction together with other factors like death benefits and surrender values?

    Is there a simple approach to consider all this as a total selection criteria when evaluating life policies. Thaks again.

  2. In Singapore, in order to avoid disappointment, we need to adopt the following motto:

    "Anything good, THEY won't call me"

    - But when my blood, organs, volunteering etc are needed ... the calls will come.

  3. At least the Belgiam prosecutors have the guts to stand by & fight for their citizen that are unfairly sold risky products by financial institution.

  4. In spore, they are so pamper.
    Why shd they bother??

  5. Can someone send this report to our AG Chambers Office.

  6. AGC now busy to appeal DJ John Ng's decision to acquit SDP's "walking" case previously charged by AGC for "procession", where got time for other less important cases?

  7. The reasons why the AG is not doing anything are

    1. It would embarrass MAS for complacency in approving the product.
    and for embarrassing MAS chairman Mr. Goh and MM Lee for opening their months to say that Investors are to blame without first understanding the nature of the products.
    2. The banking owners and executives who lobby the government to turn the other cheeks so as not to affect their banks profitability. At least 2 ministers have substantial interest in the shares of OCBC.
    3. Complacency of civil servants in not rocking the boat and putting his career in jeopady.
