Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Continue working to stay in good health

It is better to continue working after the normal retirement age, either in a full or part time job, preferably in a familiar job, according to this report.


  1. Fully agree. But even if one wants to retire, he needs to be very rich or have a son who is a minister.

  2. Anyone can retire, provided you know what lifestyle you wish to have.
    First condition is you must be debt free.
    Second condition is that you have an income stream that is able to support the lifestyle that you chose.

    For example, per month expenses:
    Utilities = $300
    Internet = $50
    Groceries = $200
    Sundries = $200
    Insurance = $150
    Transport = $75
    Phone = $45
    Tax = $100
    Incidental = $100

    Total $1200

    Dividends from shares ( annual )
    SIA 1000 = $200
    UOB 1000 = $300
    SPH 1000 = $300
    KepCorp 1000 = $200
    STI-ETF 1000 = $150
    SINGTEL 1000 = $50

    Total $ 1200

    Just under $50,000 investment.
    Trouble is: Many will spend it on a car instead.

    Dividend payouts are not guaranteed, so a diversified asset allocation is recommended. But this could be one way to achieve financial independence.

    My opinion.

  3. Actually it all boils down to stress levels. It is not about working or not working, not even if married or unmarried as some studies also try to suggest that one is better than the other. Such studies are like looking at the universe using a microscope.
    People die earlier due to stress is clear to see. MM Lee likes to work and for him he lives longer not because of the work but because he enjoys it. There are others who has to stop work in order to live a longer life as the work may be stressing them out. So such studies are meaningless if the real cause of early death is stress. Having said this, I must also stress, pun not intended, that those who retire can still benefit from exercising their faculties from time to time in order to remain alert and healthy.

  4. To: No.2 Anon,

    Ho can you spend $1200 a MONTH when your dividend is $1200 a YEAR?

  5. Anon 9.12 pm

    Your monthly expenses is $1200 and your annual total dividend income is only $1200.

    Where got enough? Unless at least $500K and even then may not be enough for the frugal lifestyle of $1200 pm.
