Monday, October 05, 2009

Direction and future of our society

I spoke to a friend at a coffee shop about the changes that are necessary to make life better for the people of Singapore. He interrupted me on a few occasions and said, "that is engaging in politics; is it wise"?

I explained that I have no interest in "engaging in politics" but it does not prevent me from speaking as a citizen. We need more people to come forward to express their views about the direction and future of our society for our children and grandchildren.

My wishes for the future of Singapore:
a) Honesty - to be honest in our dealings and stating the truth
b) Fairness - to be fair and just
c) Courage - to have the courage to express our views
d) Positive - to express what is right (and not what is wrong)
e) Public service - to work in public interest and not for personal wealth


  1. It is all well and good to have such ideals such as what you have proposed.
    Most will share your vision too.
    In order to achieve this and put it all into motion, usually, one needs to have drive & passion.
    This will not happen, yet, in Singapore.
    Why? We are constantly reminded of the need to have business and an income.
    Many people have yet to have a stable income.
    Many people do not have sufficient savings
    Many people are fearful of being political.
    Many people are happy with just owning a car.

    The pursuit of happiness in Singapore is merely a home + a car + a maid and lots of holidays.

    Do not get a Singaporean involved in the pursuit of politeness or being considerate.
    Or being honest.Honesty does not bring wealth.
    Politeness does not bring wealth.. and neither does owning a car.. but it gives an illusion of wealth.
    The pursuit of money is the key ideal that our Government has ingrained into all Singaporeans.
    Everything is money. The President's Challenge
    and all things Singapore is money. Go to church, give money. Go to temples, give money. Go to Orchard road donate money.
    It is in our blood.
    With that, it will take 2 generations to unwind.

    Mr Tan, we can only dream a wonderful dream of a society that is Athenian. Where democracy, grace and understanding is our way of life.

    For now, its "mee pok tah" and "chope seat"
    See you in heaven.

  2. While I fully agree with Annonymous (Oct 5, 10:15am) concerning the importance of money in Singapore, I just want to add the following point.

    There are many Singaporeans who are richer, more respected and successful than I ever will be.

    But they are also a lot closer to dying than I am.

    And much as they would like to, they could never buy an extra 10 years of healthy living (medical advances notwithstanding).

    You can exchange your time (life) for money. But you can't buy more time (life) with money. It's a one-way, non-refundable transaction.

    You can't change Singaporeans. But you can change yourself and the choices that you make.

    I gave up my condo and will only buy second cars. I can't believe how much happier I've become since I gave up all these and other status symbols. "Less is really more."

  3. I absolutely agree with Anons 10.15 abd 2.11, though I have not much more to add.

    A person who feels contented with what he has is one who has found real happiness. Few understand that, many think it contradicts what they have been taught.

  4. Hi,
    I will continue to promote the positive values. I hope that more people will come forward to support these values, and leave behind the concept that money is the only KPI.

  5. Just a comment about being afraid to be "engaged in politics". As a citizen, anything and everything that can affect me, is linked to "politics". I recalled the MM ever saying that we should join a Political Party if we want to dabble in Politics !Foods for thought.

  6. I do not agree with the prescribed condition to "dabble in Politics". I believe that every citizen has the right to express our views without being a member of a political party.

  7. Model nation:
    Courage - Taiwan (cable TV channel 49)

    Positive - Malaysia opposition party not deterred by ISA

    Public Service - SG NSmen

    Fairness - ?

    Honesty - ?

    All "ism" have proven ineffective in past 200 years. New York 9-11
    symbolized it.

    Take care.

  8. Mr Tan,

    Your wishes are also my wishes but they may not come true unless there is a "change" to S'pore and a "big change"...

    If not everything else will still be status quo.

  9. With only one party, the only way is to submit.

    Anyway, most people let things be, as long as nothing is broken, they earn their money, so be it.

    The Singapore dream is to earn enough to buy a freehold land somewhere and retire early. Be it in Thailand, Austrlia, Canada or US or anywhere in the world, besides Singapore.

  10. In Singapore, we need better legal enforcement to force it upon people not to be overly unethical. That's the best we can achieve. It's not realistic to expect every individual to be a saint. Many view it as a place to make money, keep most of it at low tax rate, then take the money to spend in other countries where the Sing$ is real money.
