Monday, October 05, 2009

Efficient train system

Europe has an efficient train system to connect its major cities. Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand can develop a similar system, but it requires the cooperations of these countries. Read my suggestion here.

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tan is right. In fact, I'd suggest that the rail system connects Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos (Vientiane), Vietnam (Hanoi) and Southern China. From Southern China, travelers can then use China's domestic rail system to travel around the mainland. This system should be built as a strategic move to develop the underdeveloped parts of landlocked parts of China, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. Singapore and China should spearhead this multinational joint project because this will greatly speed up the development process in the region and increase the number of middle class families in the poorer parts of our region. These people will turn into consumers with spending power. We can easily double the number of tourists when this project materializes. Just look at the number of people in China, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia combined. Now, we are only able to tap into Malaysian non-flying tourists (and perhaps Batam, a small market). Consider the opportunities in the non-flying tourists sector once such a rail becomes a reality. It will mean billions! China nationals in Southern and Western region would be able to travel to neighboring Vietnam, Laos and Thailand more easily. Those with more money can afford to travel further South to Malaysia and Singapore. If they'd do nothing beside staying a night at a Hotel 81 and an afternoon in Sentosa or Chinatown, we'd make billions, and our hotel occupancy rate would easily double.
