Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Guess the owner of this resume



  1. President Obama's predecessor: Mr George W Bush

    No doubt about it.

  2. It is utterly important whom you elect to lead your country. Truly sad to say that they had chosen unwisely at their own accord.

  3. Yes! It must be George Bush, Jr. = )

  4. Sometimes, it is not a matter of choosing wisely or not, but who is available to be chosen.

    Often it is "best available" rather than the best. A world of difference.

    Or in the worst case, not enough for a choice, resulting even in 50%walkovers.

  5. Do you have the resume of our ex-PMs? Their resume must be extraordinary to be working as SM and MM now?

  6. How is it possible his resume was leaked?


  7. Did he really write all these? Where is the source?

  8. He is not beating around the Bush, is he?

  9. Everlearning said...
    It is utterly important whom you elect to lead your country. Truly sad to say that they had chosen unwisely at their own accord.

    Almost half the electorate did not vote for Baby Bush. So Bush never had a clear mandate. The Democrats played too clean. Republicans were organised in their dirty tactics even resorting to smear campaign.

  10. Of course, having read the resume, I was puzzled that this person could be elected for two terms.

    Knowing so much of their human rights and liberty they exhibited through time past, they had a far better chance of a leader of great honour to rule the super-power country to far greater heights. But, in recent years, it was not so.

    There is none, not one with an excellent report but all you are hearing are scandals and corruption when they were in office.
