Thursday, October 15, 2009

Investing in unregulated financial products

Be careful about investing in unregulated financial products. Someone, probably an investor who lost money, sent this message to me:

Please look-out for a "tonne" of investors who lost $$$... to company X selling UK & US land. They have been selling Oil Estates program similar to another Oil pods scheme. Now they have diverted to US land leaving the investors in the lurch. Many of the investors still unaware of what hit them...have you heard about them?

This company were under investigation by the Financial Services Authority of the UK under the name Y but they changed their name now to X.


  1. Thanks Mr Tan,

    YOur website become an alert blog for investers. If goverment do not want to do their job, at least our indiviual investor can alert each other to prevent the miniBond Sage happen again.

  2. My general rule: Don't wait for Govt or Regulator to do the right thing. The day Govt knows about your problem or helping you, you must have 1 foot in the coffin or part of the least 5% of the lower income group......

    So, ask, ask and ask before putting in your hard earned money. If not, put it in FD... 1 year of agonizing frustration in MB with MAS, Govt, FIs and FAs is enough to believe that the Ministers are highly paid and good for nothing in comparison to Hong Kong SFC...

  3. Hi,
    Think omit a word "billion" it should be "the BAA sold the Gatswick airport for 1.51 billion pounds". Thanks!
