Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mandating health insurance

This article explains the need to pass a law to require every person to be insured, use of community rated premiums and guaranteed issue, i.e. no medical underwriting. This approach is adopted by several countries, e.g. Australia, Germany.


  1. Someone making fun of you here

  2. It is very sad and disheartening to see the government losing billions of dollars while not every citizen is guaranteed basic medical care. I mean every single born in Singapore citizen having a right to basic care, not via cpf (what happens if you don't have cpf?) or first made bankrupt before you get help. It is just basic right for paying taxes.

    Government can provide money to build grandiose projects while not providing basic care. GLC can build million dollars buildings while the citizen worry about basic care while we subsidise PRs?

    It makes no sense

  3. Strongly support Government should pass a law to all singaporean must have a basic healthcare insurance just like car insurance.
