Friday, October 30, 2009

Market Economy with Church

Read this article about the behavior of the market economy in China. It also applies to Singapore.


  1. This article is strongly recommended to insurance agents and all those who sell financial products.
    Remember that financial products are NOT created to make the agents rich or to help them qualify for mdrt or TOT but to meet the financial goals of the man in the street. The attitude and ethics and values must be geared towards that end in mind. This is what we like to see.
    Agents must conduct due diligence on products that have been rolled out for them to sell. They must not be blinded or motivated by the commission the products will give.
    The agents must fall into the trap set by the company or to take the words of the company for granted or to be used by the company to dump toxic products on their own clients who trust them. This trust must not be betrayed by the agents becuase of the commission or to be coerced by the company or to collude with the company to cheat their own trusting clients.
    Insurance products were originally created with the clients in mind, to give peace of mind, to add value and provide financial freedom and independence.

  2. Who bombard both Hainoi & Lao Republic day & night for months during vietnam war?

    Who was killing innocent children in Central Asia? (Source: cable TV Documentary)

    Who is the major weapon exporter in the world?

    Was the PhD author over genneralised the phenomena of China society?

    To blame the corruption in PRC, the author link it to Church as a factor.

    i.e. Market with Church=no corruption

    Market without Church=corruption

    It need an indepth social-econ study to prove it!

  3. Beijing University has been running the Ancient Chinese Philosophy Program more than ten years. Participants are successful businessmen or senior management who can afford the expensive course fee (no cheapter than MBA).

    It seems that the PhD author is not aware of many ethical Chinese in China.

  4. land Banking, oilpod, wine investment, all of them will use insurance agents to promote for them because the agents have ready customers. Not that these so called flyby night investemnt companies know agents have large data base but they know that agents have the trust of the clients it makes it easier for agents to sell or con. Only needed is a little push with hgih commission and the agents are raring to go.

  5. Q. What is the reason of Renaissance Movement origin in Europe (middle 1300s-1500s)?

    A. Church & Polity

    Q.What was the Renaissance
    Movement about?

    A1. Man is the master

    A2. Spirit of inquiry

    A3. Had they no Renaissance Movement, there is no question of over the rulers, no question of corruption practice of Churches in Europe, no question of poverty, no question of sickness, no question of X.....finally no sicence and no advance medical science today ! (averrage human life could be 40 years old only !)

    Please read europe history and question the PhD author!

    Q. Why there was Communism?
    A. Corruption of Capitalist

    Q. How was Soviet Union collaped?
    A. Church ! (a main reason)
