Sunday, October 25, 2009

Personal attack

There is one person who finds all opportunities to attack me personally. This person posts anonymously and will find fault and pass cynical remarks on most of my views. I have blocked his views, so he goes to other blogs to attack me. I suspect that this person has been paid to do this type of dirty work.


  1. If so, the paymaster is getting a raw deal, because this guy making the personal attacks writes all kinds of rubbish.

  2. Hi Mr Tan,

    Do not bother with such person. There are plenty in cyber world.
    Personally i do appreciate your sharing of knowledge and pitfalls in some of the policies lying around in Singapore.

    Keep up the good work and hope more people will benefit from your comment and observations.

  3. Dear Mr Tan,

    I am not surprised that personal attacks are being directed at you. It is through your blog that my eyes are now wide opened.I suspect many are too. I now see much clearer...

    CONsultants and ppl in positions of power will not like you.

  4. Mr Tan. I suspect you have a Troll

    From Wikipedia

    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion

    The most effective way to discourage a troll is usually to ignore him or her, because responding tends to encourage trolls to continue disruptive posts — hence the often-seen warning: "Please do not feed the trolls".

  5. These people might be ntuc agents who are not happy with your posts about their products becuase your posts affect their dubious sales.
    These are also the agents whom you helped during your time. They have forgotten that becuase of you they and their family were fed and children were sent to university.These agents are not grateful and now you know their true colors. They will suck up to anyone so long they get high commission.

  6. Definitely they are the insurance agents from ntuc. A friend told me they attack you in their forum.
    You can ignore them.They are like the proverbial dogs that bite the hands that feed them

  7. Without the insurance agents from Income, there will be no revenue for the company. Without the (relatively high) costs of insurance, how to pay the CEO, support/admin/ underwriting staff as well as the agent who is really putting all the hard work in getting the deal. If a agent has not sales, he doesnt get paid but the rest in the food chain does. Does Mr Tan take a lesser salary as a CEO when sales are down? As for who is biting whose hand - it depends on which angle u r looking from.

  8. I find Mr Tan to be an ok person. Once in a while he may get angry, and sometimes he will only publish posts that reflect or agree with his views and position, but by and large I find Mr Tan ro be a just and capable person, who sets high moral standards and has integrity.

  9. I've always found Mr Tan's comments to be neutral and aboveboard. He just wants to alert people to bad financial products. Surely the agents would not want to recommend bad financial products to others. If they can't see below the money, then I feel sorry for these people. They obviously have no other skills and backbone to survive other than conning and deceiving people.

  10. I guess their sales are affected by Mr Tan's education. Maybe they are about to close a case and then the potential client suddenly remembered the wise words of Mr Tan and ask a few wise questions and the deal is off. So naturally the time spent celebrating the fat commission is now spent on writing something to attack Mr Tan. Completely understandable.

  11. What hard work?? leg work you mean?
    The brand sells by itself. NTUC INCOME is synonymous with Mr.Tan Kin Lian and Mr. Tan means good return.
    But the consumers don't know without Mr. Tan Kin LIan the products have gone rotten.
    The agents got no skill, no financial planning skill, not professional, they depend on the brand.People trust ntuc and not them.
    Many agents left only to come back to INCOME becaue they found they are NOT good salesmen, they could not sell other products and they also found they were not good sales managers, could not manage..Many came back becuase their customers prefer ntuc products and not them.
    So you see, who feeds who? What skill have ntuc agents? Only push, lah.Very thick skin, hor.

  12. i kow of some agents also in Prudential not 'happy' wif u teaching & speaking up for e public & reply to Kent abt agents workg hard & so on...if u find so hard working as agents & CEO & e rest still get 'better' pay,then y in e first place chose to be an agent,get other job instead,like many Singaporean complain abt SE yet not choose to immigrate to 'lesser' country, com'on lar,dot complain shoe too big juz bcuz u dot fit it..& if Mr Tan can be CEO,get paid, then u so clever, be CEO lar,talk so much..clever start a blog like him...

  13. M r.Tan , don't be kind to ntuc agents. They are ungrateful people.They forgot what you have done for them. They now switch camp and suck up to the new management. becuase of commission and lots of incentives paid by their poor policyholders.

  14. In a Blog, there are always people who are for and people who are against. Now we have people who are paid to go against.

    TKL, look at the positive side, you have a strong following and we read because is make us stronger in our financial education.

    Don't let these people discourage you. As long as you know you are doing the right thing, we are behind you. Thanks for the courage to start this blog and do continue to ignore those who do not wish the general public to know too much.

  15. Dear Mr. Tan

    People attack you because you speak the truth and they are actually afraid of you.

    Many of us appreciate what you have done when you were CEO of Income and we still learn a lot through your blog.

    Please keep up with your good work.

  16. ntuc agents are afraid that you expose them, expose their incompetence and unprofessionalism.
    They are product pushers
