Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Personal experience on land banking

If you have made any investment in land banking products in past years, and have made a profit or loss, please share your personal experience. You can write to me at I will not quote you by name, unless you wish to be identified.

In your story, please state the representations that were made to you which led to your decision. Indicate if these representations turned out to be true or were misleading, and if you have evidence to support the representations. If the representations were made verbally, you can check with other attendees who heard the same representations and ask them to verify your statement.

If you have made a gain from the investment, please send your story to me too. I like to hear the good and bad angles of land banking.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. I received two responses to this posting. I hope that more investors will come forward.

  2. Mr Tan,

    The company is whacking you in their website. I'm with you

  3. I have received a few e-mails about a company selling land in UK and USA. They have been investigated by the Financial Services Authority of the UK previously and have now changed their name.

  4. Check out the website about you for Profitable Group. I'm not sure how much they managed to explain themselves in the article. It seems that there are now more people skeptical about this company than before.

  5. So far, nobody responded to my request to share their positive experience about land banking.

    The salesmen said that some people had made profit before. Perhaps, these sales people can ask their clients to write to me at

    I have received a few e-mails on the negative experiencees.

  6. There is another firm selling land banking which is situated above my office.

    They are so aggressive in contacting prospective customer by telephone. They have so many ladies employed to do this.

    My guess is if you agree to meet them, they would send their most beautiful girls to meet the guys to persuade you to buy.

    The ladies are much prettier than the average pretty office girls. We guys would fall for it hook, line and sinker.

    Don't say you have not been warned!!! Ha Ha Ha
