Saturday, October 03, 2009

RED Portal (15) Property Report

You can buy a property report on a specific project for $25. You have a choice of buying the RED property report or a more detailed report from Street Sine (also for $25). The information provided are slightly different in presentation.

Here is a sample webpage.

Go to the RED portal, Search for specific project, click on the Report tab, and you will get this page.


  1. A printed report (costing $25) is useful to owners and potential buyers in the following ways:

    a) provide relevant information about the project
    b) used to negotiate a fair and transparent price
    c) build trust in the transaction

    Before you buy or sell a property for $1 to $2 mllion, spend $25 first to get a property report from RED or StreetSine.

  2. the pty report looks excellent. How long is does it take to obtain a report? within 24 hrs?
