Sunday, October 11, 2009

Squeeze on the middle class

The middle class is being squeezed by stagnant income and higher expenses. This report refers to the situation in America. It applies to Singapore as well, except that both the middle and lower income classes are being squeezed.

This is caused by the widening income gap, brought about by deregulation, globalisation and the free market. This is bad for the future of society.


  1. There is no stopping it. The train is running at even higher speeds and it will eventually derail.

    The wealthy will not do anything that will affect their lifestyle or their intended legacies.

    Only way out seems to be revolt and forced change in policies and government. Its like surgey. The infected part must be removed in order to save the body. The search for a cure will take too long, meanwhile , more parts will be affected. Currently, pain killers ( stimulus package ) can only delay amputation.

  2. We should have minimum wage also. If we want to be a developed country we need more developed means of ensuring equity.

  3. Who say our country not developed?

    Our ministers' pay are 1st world developed country's standard. Only our citizens' pay are not.

    Who to blame? Blame it on "leave it to the market". Who made that statement? MIW.

    Who open up the flood gate now to flood our tiny little market due to "two is enough" policy in 1970s? MIW.

    Who say 6.5m population is good for our country without any justification, natural resources and hinterland? MIW

    Who say one party system is good for our country? MIW

    Who say social welfare system is bad for our country? MIW

    Who say HDB flat is still "affordable" without justification? MIW

    Who say HDB/MND can only work with two GE losers who are "PAP elected" grassroot advisors for two opposition wards' LUP? MIW

    Who indirectly say "jobs for foreigners, NS for s'poreans"? MIW
