Thursday, October 01, 2009

Talk on solving puzzles

I gave a talk on solving puzzles to 40 people at the Thomson Community Club. It covered Shape Quiz, Sudoku and Intelligence Quiz. The participants enjoyed the talk and bought 60 books of different titles. Many bought the shape quiz pieces to organise competition among their grand children. The books can be bought here.


  1. When and where will you be conducting more of these talks?

    My daughter received your Amazing Numbers Card game from a teacher in church. We have so much fun with it with friends and family. Where can we get more?


  2. I have asked the community center to arrange these more of these talks. I will publicise them in my blog when the details are firmed.

    The Amazing Number cards are out of stock. It is quite costly for me to print them, unless there are sufficient orders to justify this reprinting.
