Monday, October 05, 2009

Travel to Laos

I will be in Laos for the next four days. I believe that internet connection may be slow. I have posted a few articles that are scheduled to appear over the next few days that I am away. I may be slow in replying to e-mails.


  1. I've been to Cambodia last year in March and it was very hot. I think now is the time to go as the weather is cooler.

    Mr Tan, please let us know what Laos is like.

  2. dear Mr Tan,i enjoy reading ur blog & keep me update constant abt what (maybe)happening in SE...& u r one person with blog worth reading,educational & very 'teachable'to e audiences who have a willing heart..keep up e good job;is pple like u that mke me feeel there are 'good'S'porean & that mke alot of different;have a gd trip & even when u on a trip,u post to keep us informed,some how,e value of living with SE pple like will make this little island more meaningful...

  3. Have a safe & profitable trip!! Pay particular attention to the weather though as it has been very unpredictable recently!

  4. Hi Mr. Tan
    I don't know whether is this the rainy reason this time of the year.
    There is a strain of Malaria that is peculiar to Cambodia which is resistant to modern medication.
    Better to take precautions like packing strong insect repellant, and wearing longer sleeves shirt and long trousers, and making sure your hotel has facilities like complete room airconditioning and mosquito nets.
