Saturday, October 17, 2009

Trust in the Government

When governments state that certain events have not happened, and yet we have the victims before us to testify that they did, governments lose their and their credibility and authority.

We see before us today governments that lack the real authority that can only come from the support their people give them, and have to make up for that lack by the use of force.

They do not have the support of the people because they are not trusted by their own people. We hear many fine words seeking national unity, cooperation and harmony; yet, almost in the same breath orders are given to military units to shoot civilians, round up civilian protesters many of whom either simply disappear or are subject to inhumane torture.

Governments which govern by the use of force are able to remain in power by the use of force. And there is no going back because force begets force, and the perpetrators of crimes live in fear that they might become victims of their own evil deeds

Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo
Reconciliation Speech of 24/2/99 at St Mary's Cathedral Hall, Sydney, NSW


  1. If one believes CBF [Cheaper, Better, Faster] is good for the nation economy & people, then the one who suggested it must also agrees that drawing more than $2 millions a year should lead by EXAMPLE. Why CBF for the people and no CBF for the CABINET? Why always the people suffered the most in bad time and in good time gets a few hundred dollars handout.
    You get thousands a month in salary increment and we get PEANUT and suffered BIGTIME because of old age. Imagine doing a SPURS for PMET but no employers wish to employ. Do not use a few PMET example to publicize the success but use the bulk of unemployed middle age people and gauge the success of your programs.

    You don't come cheap and you did nothing great on the outcome of Minibond fradulent selling and marketing to retail investors.

  2. In SG, there is no need to shoot the civilians.

    They can bring people to court for defamation charges

    Even the businesses are adopting the same bullying tactic.

  3. All these are flowery words which mean nothing.

    The Bishop should be asking God what the hell are all these happening and God don't seem to do anything and let all the scums continues their cruelties.

    The Bishop should ask God to intervene and restore order.
