Monday, October 05, 2009

Victim of an investment scam

Dear Mr. Tan,
If an ordinary person is the victim of an investment scam, and the police refuses to investigate the scam, what can the victim do? If the victim complained about the scam and is being sued for defamation by a big legal firm, who is to protect the victim?

This is certainly a sad state of affairs. When a victim is cheated and is bullied in this manner, we are in an unjust society.

It is the duty of the state to protect is citizens from unfair treatment by powerful business interest. Perhaps you can see your member of parliament on this matter?


  1. Lesson:

    Prevention is better than cure. Don't get scammed in the first place by not being greedy for a bit extra goody than normal.

    Goodies are actually wolves in sheep clothing. There may be bad and not so bad wolves but they are still wolves.

    It is naive to think the police or the gahmen will really protect you. Yes they do protect but remember they prioritise their protection.

  2. According to 10:23 PM, if there are robbery and theft, the gahmen will also prioritise their protection. What kind of gahmen is this?

  3. What if the company that con you is affiliated with the gahmen? So what priority will you be getting?

  4. To 11.09: Why you ask a question which you know the answer?

    I like 10:23 - Everyone Learn the lesson by now. Prevention is better than cure. Know that nobody will protect you.

    Just back to basic, if you are lazy go FD; if you are hard working, go a hard way to learn how to manage money for better return.

    There is no free lunch in this world!

  5. Mostly the scammers dont sue they just threaten to sue by using threatening lawyers letters and people back down because they are scared by this. This is a tactic often used by Land Banking companies who operate by using word of mouth and deceptive web marketing and need to keep an aura of respectability.

  6. If the victim is a PAP MP, then there is a case for the HomeTeam to investigate.

    Other than that, engage a lawyer to fight your own case. If not many lawyers will go jobless with so few cases.

    May be your PAP MP will tell you to "leave it to the market" to resolve your case?

  7. While I believe DBS did not purposely screw up the HN5, but the selling process reflected the common practice of mis-selling it as a safe/low risk product.

    DBS belongs to Govt and now sued by 200 HN5 investors. So what is the most probable outcome? Very unlikely DBS will be found guilty.

    I don't know how come MAS can conclude that refunding 100% back to a senior citizen is not a proof of mis-selling while the above 200 has to proof their case in court.

  8. Lesson 1: Do not be greedy.
    Lesson 2: Never forget Lesson 1.

    Obviously you were lured by high returns from seemingly safe instruments or free goodies or exotic concepts. Scams work on greedy people. I have never become a victim not because I am smart but because I am not greedy. My money always in FD. Simple and easy to understand and it works and gives peace of mind.

  9. 'Prioritise' in the sense that they have to know who you are? Like upgrading perhaps?

  10. An ordinary investor got cheated and complained to the authority.

    But the cheats, being smarter than the victim (don’t forget their profession is to con), manage to create an impression that the victim is greedy and has unrealistic expectations (such as expect high returns and no risk ….).

    The results are that the investor not only got cheated but also got humiliated.

    This is the main reason why many people got cheated but dare not to complain to the authority.
