Tuesday, November 17, 2009

APEC Leader's declaration at Singapore 2009

Here is the declaration of the Apec leaders at the Singapore 2009 meeting.

Here are some key paragraphs:

Looking beyond supporting the recovery, we recognise the necessity to develop a new growth paradigm for the changed post-crisis landscape, and an expanded trade and investment agenda that will strengthen regional economic integration (REI) in the Asia-Pacific region. We cannot go back to “growth as usual”. We will put in place next year a comprehensive long-term growth strategy that supports more balanced growth within and across economies, achieves greater inclusiveness in our societies, sustains our environment, and which seeks to raise our growth potential through innovation and a knowledge-based economy.

Supporting Balanced Growth
We support the goals of the G-20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth. We join in their commitment to:

* Work together to ensure that our macroeconomic, regulatory and structural policies are collectively consistent with more sustainable and balanced trajectories of growth;
* Promote current account sustainability and open trade and investment to advance global prosperity and growth sustainability;
* Undertake macro prudential and regulatory policies to help prevent credit and asset price cycles from becoming forces of destabilisation; and
* Promote development and poverty reduction as part of the rebalancing of global growth.

Resisting Protectionism
We firmly reject all forms of protectionism and reaffirm our commitment to keep markets open and refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services, and instruct our Ministers to continue to regularly review our adherence to these commitments. These efforts reinforce the WTO’s own monitoring mechanism, and act as another bulwark against protectionist pressures by ensuring transparency in the measures taken in response to the crisis.


  1. What a pity our opposition is a no-show! Not even a whimper. This reflects the sad state of affairs.

  2. All this are bullshits!!!

    These people are just having a good time at the expense of the tax-payers.

  3. Sounds like a lot of wonderful aspirations!!

    "We the citizens of Country X. Aspire ourselves to be one united people ..."

  4. Obama, top salesman of the century! Even when his country is broke, people still listen to his sales pitch and continue to pour tonnes of $ into US economy...just how did he do that? Or the rest of the world are just plain stupid!

  5. I won't be so quick to denounce the APEC summit. I think it was a rather important meeting in terms of diplomacy and relationships, maybe not so much in terms of productiveness.

    I'm sure it has its benefits. Imagine Obama facing Hu when they talk about free trade when US just raise tariffs on Chinese tires and piping? Very interesting to see how the world turn around totally.

  6. APEC important for ministers' appraisal. Else how to justify to have a minister earning 2-4 times the salary of the President of USA whose population is 100 times that of our country?

    More of these wayang is coming as election is around the corner. As for PAP, they will win again. This is the funny thing about Singaporean. Not happy but in the end, the majority still vote for them....

  7. And how do you know the majority is not happy with them?

  8. I like to ask wjsim to write your own blog to express your own views and to debate with other people. I do not wish to have to moderate your conversions with other people on your ideas in this blog.

  9. I do not see any benefit of APEC to me.
    From where I am, it looks like a rich man's private party, and I am suppose to stand aside, look positive and smile.

    What's it it for me?
