Saturday, November 28, 2009

New immigrant's loyalty to Singapore

Dr. Wong Wee Nam disagrees with Mr. Goh Chok Tong. Read this article here.

Someone ask, "Who is Dr. Wong Wee Nam?" You can learn more about him here.


  1. There are signs that immigrants have taken root.We were all immigrants before.
    Look at the hawker centres.
    "pan mian", "la-mian", "siow-loong pau",.. the culinary landscape is already evolving.. 15 years ago, these dishes were unheard of.
    Soon, in a matter of years, Mr Tan and anyone else who knows his char kway teow or roti-prata will have to hunt down a stall that will cook it.

    Loyalty?.. yes, of course there will be loyalty!.. to the pursuit of money! Are we not going the same way? Are "original" Singaporeans very politically astute? Are we willing to forgo our cars and force ourselves to take public transport, so as to prove a point?

    No. way!.. we are no different from new immigrants and please, we should not try to be "one up".
    Money and jobs are and will always be our greatest weakness... one small threat from the powers that are, all will cower and skimper back into our little rat holes.

    Until there are more than 60% of the electorate who are willing to forgo their jobs and their cars, we will forever be loyal... forever.

    He who pays the piper calls the tune

  2. the powers conveniently forgot that we are built on pragmatism - especially the self serving kind. the people also being pragmatic will themselves know WHEN to CASH OUT of this country.

    the best time to CASH OUT and CRASH OUT(dump your hdbs) is when the population ages.

    old people are not ECONOMICALLY VAIN anymore so the attraction of a concrete and extremely dense and YOUTH and VAINITY ORIENTED society may lose its luster.

    many may opt for more rustic options(country side) in the amber land of their origin.

    why? more bucks(dollars) for the bang in rustic and natural surrounding(wider space, cooler climate and slower pace better for older folks) where these large continents can offer!

    PRAGMATISM folks,PRAGMATISM will sink us!

  3. He had participated in previous elections.

    I was surprised that he did not win, or got a close percentage, despite his much better credentials.

    Perhaps majority voters vote for party rather than personality. Unless of course the opposition can rise to the level of the PAP in quality and quantity and contest all the seats, for a better chance of being a credible alternative.

    But I doubt that day will come at the next election, or even at all.

  4. Welcome to Hotel Singapore.

    Your final stopover on your "purification" journey to a citizenship in a developed western country.

    A short stay here will add credibility to your citizenship application to the West.

  5. Q. Where can I take refuge when ageing?
    A. JB !

  6. here is the deal. the gods said, we have expanded our girdles and it's time to "confuse our languages" with more immigrants(in ancient language, they call it seducing other people's wives) so we can display our prowess and TALENTS for the world to see.

    so these gods erected an object of monumental length or height towards the heavens thinking its foundation will support such an ego trip....

    but alas, according to ancient wisdom, their lands were soon taken over by "adulterers of the female specimen" who PROSTITUTED the foundation to their shame.

    well, it's just a story.

  7. Q. My LEASEHOLD home will be expired at sometime later. Where is the land for my grandchildren?
    A. !!!

  8. The influx of immigrants to Singapore will brings its fair share of merits and cons to Singapore.

    We hope that the merits will outweigh the cons.

  9. It is nationalised prostitution.
    We sell citizenships, properties,jobs and service.
    let them use us, for a fee.. after all, we have nothing.. except people, grumbling ones.

    Lets work this to our advantage.
    work within the perimeters that has confined us.
    Grumbling, hate, and abandonment will not help.

    I do not wish to uproot myself and move to Australia or any other country, only to be treated as an outsider anyway.
    I am a Singaporean, and will always be one.

  10. Q.When I have safety issue in overseas, can I easily liaise with the authority for assistance?

    A.".. such as why the Singapore Government did not charter special flights for Singaporeans, as other governments did for their people"

  11. judging by the housing is not very comforting actually.

    imagine...born and bred here citizens are not growing and the better educated have the capacity to seek greener pastures elsewhere and they have...leaving by the thousands each year so who have been buying up their homes? foreign born citizens and foreign workers etc but basically what it means we are driving up the population number...more homes have to be built to accommodate these people and the garmen greedily profiting from this small piece of land and packed them all up like sardines up to forty storey high and beyond. comes the bubble. in a few decades, when everybody make enough money and want to retire(cash out) in HUGE NUMBER, what happens to our little palaces?

    remember, MORE THAN HALF of these pte and public homes are FOREIGN BORN occupiers - including hundreds of thousands rented out BY THEN.

    two things can happen.

    1) either we become a "hotel" which there is no point for us to talk about loyalty as a people
    2) we become like....DUBAI(lol the GLITTERS DON'T STICK GARMEN). closer to a ghost town because MANY(FOREIGN OCCUPIERS) ARE ABANDONING THEIR HOMES for the GOOD LIFE back to their land of origin when they are done with us and it is disconcerting to think they occupied more than half of our housing BY THEN.

    you take your pick lol.

    and the garmen is building more to prove me

  12. I agree with Dr Wong's views. When my grandfather migrated from China to "Nanyang" with his family, he was a economic refugee. He had no intention of returning to the hardship of his ancestral village in China. He 'burned the bridges' and severed all ties. He travelled for months, in abject and treacherous condition, on board a Chinese junk, in order to reach "Nanyang".

    But the immigrants today are not economic refugees. They can return to their homelands, within 5 hours, by buying low-cost airline tickets that priced at $29. Just as well, they can fly off to other countries where pastures are greener.

  13. We have started on a journey where there is no U turn. In about 20-40 years, we will have created a "new" Singaporean. One that is far more cosmopolitan than ever.
    This new Singaporean v1.3 will effectively be/have

    A) bi-lingual if not tri-lingual.
    B) have 2 homes
    C) hold 2 citizenship
    D) 2 kids
    E) Do National Service

    Where will I be? right here, enjoying the efficiency, safety that Singapore can offer. What will I be doing? Although it will be my primary home, I will travel to Malaysia, Indonesia,Cambodia, Thailand, China, etc..

    Singapore will always be home.
    It will be a base. Maintained by a new breed of people.

  14. very soonn people might all rush to china & india.
    If spore can support 6 mil, then china can support 10 bil, 15 bil, 20 bil??
    If more people means more money, more people buying house to jack up house prices, bigger market, more job opportunities (to create jobs for locals), then china & india will become the riches countries in the world!!!

    The future is on how to compete for more "FTs".

  15. Let us be very clear about what it means living in Singapore.

    There is efficiency
    There is safety
    There is convenience
    There is order
    There is variety

    Those that have lived here for more than half their lives understand this. We are city folks.
    Do not for one moment think that we can live in the countryside for more than 1 month.

    We do not know how to grow our own
    we do not know how to repair
    We do not know how to heal ourselves
    We do not know how to entertain ourselves.

    Pure delusion. Romantic, but deluded.
    We are addicted to convenience, the food court, the MRT, the air-conditioning.

    Think you can survive the winter?
    Think you love snow?
    Think you love the dryness of summer? ( yeah, right, keeps the ecezema away? )

    Fight for your rights as a citizen.
    You have every right to speak and every right to be heard.
    If you want change, change yourself

  16. but there is not enough cash!

  17. "But there is not enough cash"

    Dump the car
    Dump the credit cards
    Dump the cable entertainment
    Dump the memberships
    learn to cook
    learn to read
    learn to talk to real living humans

    What is enough? 1 million? 10 million?

    Live a life.. its possible because
    you are educated and are not stupid
    You may not be clever... but definitely not stupid.

  18. Dubai brought in many FTs to support their property.
    Now what happen?
    If our FTs rush out one-day, who will suffer?
    Propery price down by ? %
    Those who bought high now will suffer.
    Now the youth will suffer bec they can't afford a flat or a house.

    If the FTs run away, u think they will bother about their unpaid mortgages? But our people cannot.

  19. LOL

    $$$$This new Singaporean v1.3 will effectively be/have

    A) bi-lingual if not tri-lingual.
    B) have 2 homes
    C) hold 2 citizenship
    D) 2 kids
    E) Do National Service

    Where will I be? right here, enjoying the efficiency, safety that Singapore can offer. What will I be doing? Although it will be my primary home, I will travel to Malaysia, Indonesia,Cambodia, Thailand, China, etc..

    Singapore will always be home.
    It will be a base. Maintained by a new breed of people.$$$$$

    Yes, all become ministers.LOL

  20. i agree

    Dumb the car
    Dumb the credit cards
    Dumb the cable entertainment
    Dumb the memberships

    we shall have cash and not bother pap

  21. homes are not easily liquidable. we are hoping the chinese and indians and what have you are stupid enough to walk right in.

    throughout history, land has always been abused by the rich and the source of contention and wars.

    you think we will be an exception?

  22. Tonight, someone organised an evening event and invited the MP.

    I make a feedback to NEA. They simply forward my e-mail to the organiser and FULL STOP !!!

    Very soon, our society is not too far from PRC society where there is no civilization since 1949.

  23. Very sonn many countris will learn from spore to impot more FTS.
    Because FTs can help the locals to create more jobs.
