Sunday, November 01, 2009

Observation by David Cherbronnier

David Cherbonnier has made some insightful comments about what is needed to put things right in Singapore. Read his comments here.


  1. Thanks to David Cherbonnier's observation. It is very apt and intelligent. FROM CASHEW NUT

  2. Law Minister K. Shanmugam made a big goof by saying that Singapore's a city, not a country. He should've said Singapore's a city-state, not a big country.

    The coincidence of timing is also very bad, just when Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong is speaking and glorying Hokkien in the Fujian province of China, while Hokkien remains banned from TV since some 30 years ago, resulting in many young Singaporeans of Hokkien descent unable to speak Hokkien fluently. A total loss of direction and orientation for national identity and ancestral ethnic root, as led by national leaders, who look as clueless as anyone else, just following the money and economic figures.

  3. dear david,

    thanks for the gd sharing. i read with strong interest and hope u can share more of your sophisticated views/points.

  4. If the account is true, I want to know who the MP in the blog is!

  5. Singapore is not a country but a middle kingdom of many kingdoms in the Asean.

  6. First we were told that Singapore is a COUNTRY with a very long coastline (remember a certain fugitive that escaped and was recently caught in a neighbouring country?)... implying that Singapore is so BIG, it is very difficult to maintain border security.

    Now we are told that we are a very small CITY.

    I guess we will have to continue to act stupid and continue to believe anything and everything.
