Friday, November 27, 2009

Pension planning

Here are some tips for the retirees.


  1. DFA index funds are rather good -- they structure their funds based on academic research and empirical evidence, and is ongoing process. Active index funds? But their expense ratios are really low, and performance tends to be better than Vanguard.

    Unfortunately, DFA quite 'atas' and require investors to buy via DFA-approved FAs, and the minimum investable sum is quite big, at least US$100K. You cannot DIY coz DFA believes in having FA structure the portfolio, handhold & guide the customers, according to DFA principles. Some people don't like this approach coz feels kinda too academic & 'fatalistic'.

    Example is You can see the various standard portfolios and their performance over last 50 yrs. You can see that they are still being rather US-centric; if I can DIY, I'll just use the Emerging Mkts funds for growth + a couple of the Bond funds for some stability.

  2. Plan your pension but never consult an insurance agent. Agents don't consult they sell push and peddle you products that never help you in accumulating your funds.
    The agents are not qualified. Consult the FA companies.
    Don't beleive? how many of you have already or on the way to achieving your retirement funding using agents as advisers?

  3. Don't ask an insurance agent to plan your retirement. Instead of planning yours they plan theirs. Besides that they don't know how except pushing peddling and selling products. And it is also like putting a plumber in charge of your bank account. You get plundered.
