Monday, November 02, 2009

Start a Financial Plan

Here is another chapter from my book - TKL Financial Planning. It gives advice on starting a financial plan.


  1. - sure wished certain institutions of higher learning would have taken the lead
    - instead, as usual, the Americans show the way

    Harvard Business School's New Curriculum: Everyday Finance

    Class to focus on better products for average consumers.

    Click the link below to read the full story:

  2. Hi Mr Tan,

    I am very impressed that you have the time and energy to write this book and I wish you success.

    One opinion I have is that your book contains a lot of percentages in table forms to illustrate what you want to say.

    These percentages can be quite confusing and even I as a Financial Planner, find it hard to understand.

    I suggest you may think of illustrations using life examples or even changing some of the tables into graphs, pie-charts, etc to make the content more easily digestible and less boring.

    It will be even better if there are some sections to illustration your "Main Learning Points" or in future some cartoons to put your message across.
