Thursday, December 31, 2009

Impact of December holidays

My blog had an average of  2,000 visitors a day in earlier months. It dropped to 1,500 in December. It has now recovered to 2,000. This is the impact of the school holidays in December. 25% of  Singaporeans travel outside of Singapore.


  1. Wish you a blessed new year and abundant in hapiness.

  2. Thank you for all your blog posts. I also enjoyed reading the comments, and sometimes, some are so good that I am left blur like a sotong yet wanting to learn more. I am impatiently waiting for the financial book that you will give to fisca members. So, wishing One And All "A Happy, Healthy And Wealthy 2010!"

  3. Ghim Moh ResidentDecember 31, 2009 4:58 PM

    Hi Mr Tan,

    I remember in Dec, you went to Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China for about 8 days. During those days, I came less to your blog because I know you will be away and hence no new articles.

    That may also be a reason why the hits are down on Dec.

  4. Dear Mr. Tan

    Wishing you and your family good health and a prosperous 2010.

    Cheers !


  5. It's 2010. Good luck everyone.

    Work super duper hard for your peanuts this year! :)

  6. Wishing you & your family Blessings for the New Year!! Hope you continue to champion & fight for the just causes of ordinary Singaporeans!! God Bless!!!
