Thursday, December 31, 2009

Investment return, adjusted for inflation

It is important to take account of inflation in looking at investment return. This is explained in this article. You should aim to get a real return of 2%, after deducting inflation, tax and expenses. Many investors get a negative return due to investing in the wrong asset class, e.g. safe investments with guaranteed return, and high expenses.

1 comment:

  1. Wholelife and endowment have negative real return even after 30 years. The sooner policyholders wake up to this fact the better for them.
    It is a stark truth many baby boomers who depended on insurance policy cash value found out. Too late.. They should have sought a review with another competent adviser long time ago.
    Consumers today should consult a financial planner for an honest review or seek help from FISCA. Never 'consult' an insurance agent.You will be sold another policy that will be worse than what you have.
