Friday, January 15, 2010

Big pay packets in Wall Street

The big pay packets are now receiving attention from various quarters. Read this article.


  1. Not only are they in focus, the Obama administration is thinking of levying taxes on banks.

    Eugene Ng

  2. Those who work in finance industry including banks, brokerage and insurance, really have no sense of shame or proportionality. The sense of entitlement and money grabbing attitude cannot be comprehended by those of us not in the industry.

    Just last week, my quitter cousin who has been working in New York and London for the past 10 years can complain about the 50% tax that UK is imposing on the top earners (those earning more than GBP150K per annum, or S$340K per year).

    I was like what the hell. In the boomz years of 2006-2007, he was getting S$1.5m to S$2m per year just in bonuses. My advice to him was that maybe he can become a slacker town council cleaner for a couple of years and enjoy the benefits of the lesser mortals.

    Fyi, town council workers in UK earn about $2K to $3K per month, and they do their cleaning by driving special vehicles. Don't expect them to carry broom-sticks.


  3. Where do I go to get an application form.

    Looks like Wall Street pays even better than a career in politics with the "correct" party.
