Monday, January 25, 2010

China based Singapore listed firms

Read this report about the S-chips.


  1. Remember China Aviation Oil (CAO) case in 2005? And CAO was supposed to be the better, if not the best managed of China linked companies. The then CEO was even regarded as a "model" CEO and was also the "best" paid CEO then.
    The facade later came crashing down.

    Investors should have learned some lessons from it to be wary of S chips listed since then. Then they would not have suffered losses.

  2. Look guys. If you really needed to read a written report to conclude that S chips may not be quite the same quality as a GLC, than you really should not be investing.

    I've had a couple of dealings with folks from PRC. That was enough for me to conclude that we have differences in moral and fiduciary standards.

    Doesn't anybody remember the first 10 years of Suzhou Industrial Park? You think you are going to get better treatment than the Singapore government?

    Good luck when we start to send our children to work in PRC as employees.

    Oh! I'm sorry. You have not seen a written report yet. So I guess you can't see this coming.

    Why do you think we are told to be bicultural for crying out loud. Why do you think Mandarin standards are being raised higher in schools?
