Monday, January 11, 2010

More jobs in health care sector

This article explains the increase in jobs in the health care sector, in spite of a weak economy in America. The same trend will apply in Singapore as well. There will be more jobs in health care in the future.


  1. Dear Mr Tan;
    The problem is that there aren't enough S'poreans who want to go into the health care sector.
    Intake no. at the local poly's school of health sciences show an almost flat-lined graph for the past decade, except for a spike right after the SARS crisis.
    We even have to resort to send recuiting teams to attract potential students from China.
    Sadly, it looks like we S'poreans do not want to take care of our sick & old. And we're paying foreigners to do it.


  2. One of the reason is the wages is too low for the nurses . How to survive if they do not offer reasonable pay for the Nurses in Singapore . And also not a respectable job in the eye of singaporeans.


  3. Yes, you're right, Jack.
    In comparison, new registered nurses (RN) in US & Europe get ~S$50-60k/yr, while the ones here gets about S$25k/yr.
    RNs in US/EU are degree certified.
    RNs here are diploma certified.
    RNs in a specialised field (eg. ICU) in US/EU are masters certified. While locally, its just a 9mths adv dip course.
    The same goes for our allied healthcare workers - the physio, occupational therapists... the radiologists... and soon, the social workers...

    You see, healthcare workers' wages form a substantial part of our overall healthcare bill.

    U draw your own conclusion why our healthcare workers are paid so low.

