Monday, January 18, 2010

Survey: Educating the young

Here are the results of the survey based on 47 replies.

About 90% refer an education system that has the following features:

> educate the young to be literate, numerate, have social skills, and moral values, instead of achieving academic excellence.
> a less competitive system, so that parents do not have to put pressure on students to study hard through homework and private tuition
> gives higher priority to non-academic subjects, such as moral values, character, social skills and interaction?
> encourage some people to pursue other forms of personal development, instead of university degrees

However, about 20% (i.e. more than 10%) are satisfied with the current system which emphasis academic excellence, and picks future leaders from the scholars.

The survey is still open for participation. Click here.

1 comment:

  1. As an Early Childhood Professional in training, I absolutely agree with Mr Tan in that our education system should foster EFFECTIVELY INTELLIGENT PEOPLE (defined by how much they know against how much they care for the society) instead of exam scoring robots or animals who produce nothing but results and eliminate rivals for personal gain only. No man is an island, and in order to progress to our full potentials, we as people need to support each other fully in this area. It isn't a dog eat dog world, but a man help man world.
