Wednesday, January 06, 2010

TKL Practical Guide to Financial Planning

I am sending the book for printing soon. It comprise of about 100 pages. This is based on draft 6 (which was published earlier) but has since been further corrected. The book is expected to be ready by early February in the bookstores. Please give your views of an acceptable price for this book.


  1. I received 12 replies. All said that the book is useful. The suggested price is

    $8 - 5
    $12 - 4
    $16 - 1
    $20 - 2

    So, it looks like $12 is a good price. Many ask for the price to be kept low, so that young people will buy it.

    I will give this book free to members of FISCA. Go to to join ($36 a year). They will also attend a talk given by me.

  2. Can you sell the soft copy ?

    People can pay through paypal and download the book from your site.

    You save on printing costs and storage space. The downside is people can easily share their paid copy to others for free. (piracy)

    here's how. You probably need someone who is technically inclined to execute this.

  3. I have now received 33 replies

    Is this book useful?
    Yes - 91%
    No - 9%

    What is a fair price?
    $8 - 47%
    $12 34%
    $16 13%
    $20 6%

  4. I have now received 49 replies. The results are consistent with the earlier report:

    Is it useful?
    Yes - 90%
    No - 10%

    What is the price to sell the book?

    $8 - 47%
    $12 - 34%
    $16 - 15%
    $20 - 4%

    The median price is $12. I will use this as a gauge.
