Friday, January 29, 2010

Wages and purchasing power

According to this article, Singapore has the lowest wages and domestic purchasing power among the Asian Tigers.


  1. I think increasing the purchasing power of Singaporeans should be one of the important key performance indicators (KPI) for ministers to benchmark their pay.

    Currently they benchmark their pay and pay increase to the best paid in the private sector and GDP growth. This is definitely not very acceptable, made worse by the type of political climate here.

  2. This is not surprising.I will soon vote with my feet..

  3. The obvious conclusion is also the most unthinkable one for all of us:

    1. We have reached the limits of success as a country & nation

    2. Our best years as a nation are behind us.

    3. We don't have a road-map to get us out of this road block.

    4. We don't even dare to admit to ourselves that we are in a road block.

    Escalating home prices, ageing population, loss of jobs etc. All the issues that have been discussed here. These are just the symptoms of the disease (cause).

    5. The Singapore aeroplane has been on auto-pilot for a number of years. Auto-pilots are fine as long as we don't have stormy weather.

    6. We have stormy weather now and in the years ahead. Do we have a capable pilot and airline crew on board to navigate us out of this mess?

    7. I'll refrain from answering this last question. But I'm packing my own parachute just in case.

    Growing up, I've been told often enough. Singapore does not owe me a living. Meaning, parachutes will not be provided on board Singapore Inc. aeroplanes.

    The obvious answer is that I likewise do not owe Singapore Inc. a living. I'll pack my own parachute and bail out at the first sign of trouble.

  4. Well said Anonymous.

    Like you I am sick and tired of our esteemed, world class leaders.
    I am just waiting for the day when I can buzz off from this place.

    No hard feelings I say and I agree with you that we have to prepare our own parachute instead of helping our leaders prepare one for their followers. The leaders are already well prepared and of course, being the smart and great leaders they are, they can go anywhere in the world and they will have a fantastic job, using their fantastic brain.

    See how many of our leaders are now helping the world in the problems of poverty, terrorism, ageing, forecasting problems etc.

    Now we see so many of our great leaders travelling all over the world, dispensing their smartness from Russia to China, to Middle East, to USA etc.

    Sometimes I wonder if we were being played by these lesser smart leaders of the other world. Like how come we can loose so much money in such a short time? Sometimes I wonder who is actually smarter?

    From Stupid Singaporean (SS)
