Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Good response for Financial Planning book

I have received many orders for my Financial Planning book. I wish to thank the buyers for our support. One person bought the book to present to a nephew. This is a good idea, as the young will find it easy to understand, practical and useful. It can save them from wasting a lot of money by buying the bad products.

I am offering my books at a discount of 15% under the promotion code - BLOG. Several buyers did not enter the code, and had paid for the full price. I am sending to them my Shape Quiz (retail price $2) for each book that they buy at the full price. I hope that they will enjoy it.

A few people have indicated that they wish to show their support by buying my book. I thank them for this fine gesture. Help me to give the book to your family and friends, as it will be useful to them.

To order, click here.

Tan Kin Lian


  1. Mr Tan
    Your Ishop is very unfriendly. I tried half an hour to order your Financial Planning Book and still cannot get it right.

  2. Hi
    We have been receiving 20 orders a day for each of the past 3 days. The other people did not have any problem. Can you try on another PC or ask someone to help you?

  3. Comments on iShop user interface.

    1. After clicking on an item, the message "Practical Guide on Financial Planning added to cart" is shown on the right side, not on the left side people usually expect. Also, when placed just below "Record found: 5", it makes the user feel like he has 5 items in the cart when he added only one item, which is confusing.

    2. It is not easy to find the "My Cart" button, which took me some time. Its placement immediately on the right side of the Category drop-down box makes it looks like another Search button.

    3. On the checkout cart, you don't show exactly how much the user has to pay after the promotional discount.

    I use Firefox 3.6.

  4. Thanks for feedback. Try IE8 and see if it is better. Sorry that the application does not work well on Firefox.

  5. The response to the book continues at a strong pace. The orders are maintained at the level of 20 each day.

    When you place the order for the book, you can also order the rechargeable torchlight at $6.50. A torchlight with similar functions is sold at the airport for $27.20.
