Sunday, April 04, 2010

Microsoft .NET developer

I wish to look for developer who is familiar with Microsoft .NET to work on a project or to work at my office. Preference will be given to a person living in or near Ang Mo Kio. If you are interested, send an email with your resume to

If you wish to attend a course, there may be a government scheme to give you a training allowance and work for me after completing the training course.


  1. Mr. Tan,
    I learn IT 30 years ago and is now jobless. Will you consider me if I enrol into a course and work part time at the same time.
    It is very awkward to ask you this. VCery malu.

  2. how about JAVA? the result is the same anyway....


  3. My applications are on .NET platform, so I need a developer who is familiar with this platform. I also want someone living close by, i.e. lower travelling time and cost.

  4. If you are interested, send an email to Do not post your questions in this blog.

  5. Mr. Tan,
    I dont think I have a chance to get the job being outdated and old. Gd luck to your search.

  6. Made in Sg 1952April 01, 2010 9:36 PM

    Anon: March 09, 2010 4:31 PM

    and again: April 01, 2010 6:35 PM

    U wrote abt yrself being "outdated and old". I agree.

    Mr Tan has much better things to do. I hope u wil agree.

  7. arnon,
    no need to run down that poor chap. u must have better thing to do also

  8. anon, dont redicule the poor chap and have fun on other people's misery.

  9. I have asked the interested person to send an email to me with a resume.

  10. Anon: April 02, 2010 1:26 AM

    and again: April 02, 2010 9:57 AM

    Earlier on, u wrote abt yrself being "outdated and old". Today, u labeled yrself 'a poor chap'. Very soon, yr Paymaster will be calling u up to "take yr last check". U're toast !

  11. That is right, dont throw a stone into the well when the man is down!Mr. Tan is just try to be helpful to the guy! cant stand your arrogance!

  12. Mr Tan, why not outsourced it to 3rd country. a lot of company in USA already did it. It cust 70% of the cost.
