Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Order for Financial Planning book

You can place an Order for my book, "Practical Guide on Financial Planning" at the Internet Shop now.  I have received many orders during the past two days.

 Enjoy a 15% discount when you buy this book or other books during February by entering the Promotion Code - BLOG. Click here.


  1. Mr. Tan, I already have the draft copy. Do I still need to buy one? Are there any major differences or additions?

  2. Hi 6:01 PM
    There are quite a few changes, compared to the earlier copy. But, the key points remain the same. Maybe, you can buy a copy to share with the members of the family. It is easier to read the book, rather than a soft copy.

  3. I received orders for more than 10 books today, which is quite encouraging and more than I had expected.

    When you order the book, do also order the other books, especially the shape quiz.

  4. I just ordered online but the website doesn't allow me to key in the promotion code. :(

  5. Can I buy your books from Popular Bookstore?

  6. I had just purchased this book to pass it on to nephew who is starting out in the working world... it will such a useful book.
    Further, to that it is a show of support to Mr Tan.

  7. I ordered 2 books.
    I did not use the promotional code so as to show support to Mr Tan for his hard work.
    Thank you for keeping the book at an affordable price.
