Thursday, February 25, 2010

Guide to Pro Investor

Here is a soft copy of my book, Guide to Pro-Investor. It has about 50 pages. You can download and print it and read the book  It will give an explanation of the logic behind the simulation game and some strategies that you can follow.

You can click here to play this simulation game.


  1. I have played the game a few hundred times (levels) to get the feel of the formula and get an understanding of its behavior. I can apply the same technique to the real world. Although the results are different (as the real world trend is different), the technique to find out the best strategy still remains the same. Practice makes perfect.

    Most people want someone to learn the formula and to tell it to them. I prefer to find the formula myself and to gain insight and knowledge in the process.

  2. Hi Mr.Tan, there is a Land investment coming up this Saturday. Is it worth adding such investment as part of our portfolio? Details here:
