Sunday, February 28, 2010

Survey: Elected Member of Parliament

Here are the survey results, based on the first 50 responses. The results surprised me. Although my blog does attract a larger proportion of people who are disillusioned with the ruling party, I do not expect the results of the survey to show an overwhelming dislike of the current government.


  1. I've been a pretty dispassionate voter all my life. Always voted on 'merit". (Merit based upon my own definition of merit.)

    But this time around, it's different. I've have a slow burning anger in my stomach that I've never had before. Over these last few years, the anger has refused to go away.

    I feel like Clint Eastwood in the movie 'Dirty Harry," for those of you old enough to remember.

    In a general elections, I really feel like telling my MP;

    " ... you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk? "

    or maybe

    " Go ahead, make my day "

  2. We have been ardent supporters since independence for the PAP.
    But now we are truly disillusioned.
    It's increditable the fate of the
    nation lies in the hands of one
    person, then what is the rest of
    PAP members for?
    Up to now we don't even know who is
    our PM. Only the MM is doing the
    talking, the rest just echo his
    words, where is the so-called
    leadership renewal. If MM Lee wants
    to lead the country, just return to
    his first job, why beat about the bush.

  3. The tsunami is coming. A new landscape will emerge. Let's toil the land together.

  4. Unfortunately I fear that most Singaporeans will just vent their anger and fustration online and when it comes to polling day, its back to vote for the same old people. Sad....

  5. Well, I tend to agree with the above comment on 5.25 pm, that things are always different when it comes to polling day. Just look at the Yahoo feedback on this year budget,, the interview and the comments vary so much.

  6. Dear Mr. Tan

    I am not sure if the result reflects the latest,
    at least for Q3 & 6, I have voted the other ways this afternoon around 1p.m, thus should not be 0%.

  7. The results were based on 50 replies submitted by abotu 2 pm. There are replies after that, but these have not been included. I will wait until 100 replies before I make an update.

  8. I used to be a staunched supporter of PAP to the extend of arguing for them that buying of votes using HDB upgrading projects were justified. No anymore! I have totally lost my faith in them!

  9. I used to be a very very strong PAP supporter but no more

  10. Let's give PAP some credits for transforming Singapore into a first world country. We are indeed enjoying the wealth, education system and it is a society built on meritocracy. As long as you are willing to work hard, you will be given a chance.

    However I do agree that there should be enough opposition parties in the parliament. Else bills will get pass easily which may be in favour of the main party.

  11. Personally I think it showed the unhappiness of the people including me. I was once a supporter of the ruling party. However, recent even has changed me. For example their HDB policy. Public housing is just too expensive. I am also disappointed with the way they handle the financial crisis. Did not really help those who being cheated their life saving. Maybe an alternative voice will help to wake them up. However, we also must vote for the right opposition.

  12. why should a citizen fear getting lower priority on govt projects if he votes the opposition?

    he is only doing his duty as a citizen by voting as he sees fit.

    we should reject a govt that uses such tactics. do you mean a citizen who votes for the opposition is less of a citizen that one who don't, and thus should get lower priority? he still servers NS and pays his taxes.

  13. Agree with ANON 12.51am comments.

    We are all loyal citizens, whether we vote for Opposition parties or not.

    In western democracies, the term "loyal opposition" is used in parliament to address the political party who is not in power.

  14. Only political party lacks the political will uses policy like HBD up-grading , property values etc to threaten voters!

  15. We do not like the bills being passed with just a few nays from the few opposition MPs, and almost immediately become law.
    We object the casinos built, there
    should be a referemdum for the citizens to decide, as it affects
    the fabric of society. It is
    unconstitutional for the ruling party to make the decision alone.
    Besides two casinos in a small island are over the limit, one too
    many for us to accept. The Govt
    we elected make mistakes and refuse
    to admit them, they make excuses and put the blame on others to cover themselves up.
    This time round is entirely different from 2006, as the whole world has changed drastically due
    to the financial crisis, we would
    act accordingly at the ballot box.
    Radicals do not need to resort to
    belittling or cyber bullying.

  16. I have reached a point where I don't care anymore if my estate gets upgraded or downgraded. We definitely needs more alternative voice in the parliament - preferable more than 1/3 of it. If we have to slow down by 20 years or whatever, then so be it. Frankly, I feel that I was happier 20 years ago than it is now.

  17. We will not be threatened!!

    This is very much our home and not even our own people that we elected can or should be allowed to bully us into believing that what ever they do is the best.

    They can stay or they can leave for the pretty shores of Aussie land or USA whom they celebrate. If they go, good riddance. If they stay: shut up and listen!

  18. The Singapore elite will never migrate to other countries.

    They cannot compete in a truly free environment (democracy).

    There is simply too much in-breeding of ideas and inter-marriage among the leading families in Singapore.

  19. I see building Casino and reversing GP F1 ideas as old and last resort given mfg jobs are moving to China. It is a one stone kill two birds. Bring in jobs and increase GDP which leads to very reason to increase the team's salary based on GDP growth.

  20. Yes, the Casino and FI thing are old ideas given a new meaning by the out of ideas ruling elites.

    Now, to add to the confusion, they are suddenly tossing up the idea of increasing productivity, also an old talked about issue since time immemorial.

    Are they really so bankrupt of new ideas that they have to resort to flogging dead horses to run the race against others. Seems like it is the end of our race now, slowly and surely. The signs are there.

  21. Come on Singapore!

    We can do this together!.. no need for all these threats that our daughters will become maids in foreign lands... that the value of your only asset will go down..
    That GDP will be negative.. (You mean to say it always MUST go up?)

    despite the fact that our Island state has nothing to offer except humans and char kway teow.. I believe we can still earn a decent living.

    Staring from 2014 which can be year zero.. the year when there is a change of government.. we can still have a powerful economy.
    The IR will remain. Changi Airport will remain, HDB will remain and so will Singtel.

    We just need to shift our weight a little more to the left leg.. the leg that has been neglected.. the leg that brought us up to where we are today.

    That leg is the common man in the street. The people that actually used their hands and sweated. The women that worked overtime.
    The people that trusted and believed in their Gov.

    We can do this without the crutches that was pressed upon us.

    Let go of the crutch.. and stand strong.. for we are Singaporeans.
    ( with roti pratha )

  22. Remember what Chiam See Tong said after the Cairnhill Election some 25-30 years ago when he stood as an independant candidate against Lim Kim San. If you want to win an election, you should form or join a party. He got 3000+ votes, quite creditable in those days!

  23. Somehow, it is always the heartlanders have to do more with a low salary of $1,500 a month while the talker with old ideas draws $150,000 a month.

    This time is worst. The heartlander has to work FASTER to be BETTER or produce better products while being paid at a CHEAPER rate hoping one day his salary will increase.

    The talker? Continue to talk and draws fat salary. Like what our old timer always said "TALK IS CHEAP"

    We, the heartlanders, are always at the losing end.

    Now I know why they consider $600,000 bonus as PEANUT. These millionairs are really living in another planet. How can one draws millions a year and continue to tell the low income or no income people that they, the millionairs, are doing everything they can for them.....One laughing all the way to the bank every month and the other? Trying to make ends meet.

    I am a very confused Singaporean....

  24. Why when there is very little support for a minister pay raise the last time, they still went ahead and telling the voting public to measure their performance in the next election.

    Next election is near, what will they say now?

    Most likely:

    i) Recession is not their fault.

    ii) Heavy losses in financial products is not their fault.

    -I wonder aloud why other countries' regulator with less pay, is doing a better job in protecting their citizens against fraud financial products.

    iii) Ministers have paycut and no pay raise since 2008 etc.

    - What is there to cut when one is already drawing at least $1.5 million of tax payers dollars a year.

    Other issues:

    i) GIC and Temasek lost heavily in the financial markets using tax payers money but no investigation done. Instead they use the past gain to justify for the present lost.

    - I wonder why the MPs let it pass without an investigation? Again, these MPs are just not independent thinking. Too dependent on the salary/allowance and probably worried about their rice bowl.

    iv) Town Council lost $16 millions in Minibonds. Why no investigation done?

    - Was the TC chairman told the same thing as the rest of the retail investors? Minibond is a bond from 6 reference entities & as safe as Fixed Deposit from the banks.

    v) Is it possible that none of the MPs or ministers lost in the Credit link notes saga? Why none came out to fight with the heartlanders?

    I think investigation is only done when it is not against their own people. Why are the MPs no speaking out?

    This is not the kind of MPs should be representing the people. If something is wrong, get it right and the system will be stronger. One cannot continue to afraid to insist or speakout against one's party. When other party speak, MPs joined hand to corner, insult, blame, make fun at. Just because they ride on a PAP ticket does not means everything Opposition said is rubbish. Good luck to them in the next election.

  25. To anonymous 9.58 am
    Rex comments as follows:

    I try to solve your puzzle as to why the heartlanders have to struggle so much to get even a bit of salary increase, whereas the elite draw typically $200,000 per month.

    It is all in the numbers. Typically one x Lee Kuan Yew equals about 200 x Ah Beng assuming Ah Beng earned $1000 a month. Even if there are 50 elite's the total salary of the elites per month is the equivalent of merely 1000 Ah Beng's.

    and.. how many Ah Bengs' are there in Singapore? Maybe 200,000 or more!! How to increase all their salary ?

    Therefore the government is not interested to raise the salary of the Ah Beng's because of the sheer numbers of the Ah Bengs!!

    That's why Ah Beng must work cheaper better faster bec there are just too many of them. They can't afford to pay so many Ah Bengs, but they can just about afford to pay the few elites in the hierachy.
    So the elites are exempted from cheaper better faster, they have good karma! For ordinary folk, You die your problem! Frogs are deaf, don't forget that too.

