Thursday, February 04, 2010

Voting in the general election

How will you vote in the next general election? Give your views here.


  1. PAP will win. My est is 58%. Last 3-4 years is nothing but spending, spending. Part of the spending is increasing their own salary on the reason that it is diffcult to find talent.

    Reversing previous no-no decision on F1 and casino is not innovative ideas that match their million dollars salary.

    As of now, I am what PAP called a floater and the Americans call the independent. I vote for neither until they can convince me they are good enough for the nation.

  2. REX comments as follows,

    re "anonymous".
    There is a popular notion that since there has been so many ills perpetrated already, we are already rock bottom and cannot go worse, so it is best time to open a chance for some mediocre not necessary the best. When we just graduate we know nothing much, but people learn if they are humble. I would give my vote to any humble person with reasonable intelligence not necessary a super brain. OR i might also be a floater like you in the worse case.

    But actually, i think a lot of things are brewing in the last few months... and i wont be surprised a lot of nice people may appear in the election scene. After all, getting into the government IS a decent job, so if one is jobless, and has some passion for talking and justice, one might do well in the affairs of the state.

  3. now that the allowances for MPs are so attractive (expecially for this "part-time" work), many young people want to be counted to run for election. but like many, i think our general election is a joke because of grc and re-drawing of constituency boundaries at every election.

  4. I'll WISELY vote in any donkey or monkey on an opposition ticket just for a CHANGE.

    Who knows may be these animals can serve us better with low pay than the elite mortals with extraordinary high pay?

    The future of S'pore should come first not individual's benefit.

  5. REX comments as follows,

    In 1986 (or thereabouts i think) no one thought that the dictator F. Marcos, could be taken off his seat so easily. But it happened. Acquino, a common lady with not much political experience, got into power (with the help of a couple of generals though..)

    I think faith can move mountains. It is time to think a little bit "faith" and a little bit less :logic:
    Unleash yourself! Just do it!


  6. I fully agreed with Rex. It is the right time for a change. No one in this world is indispensable. Singaporeans should dare to dream and be willing to change for the good of this country.

  7. I have only 1 vote and I will vote responsibly. I will not spend too much time thinking about it as I am a floater and enjoy opposition rally. Somehow, PM says it is normal to have swelling spectators at opposition rally but in the end, PAP will win. Hope he is right next time.

    As a floater, my take is whoever win, it is the decision of the people. Respect it and move on. Important thing is depend on yourself to survive in Sgp. Wait for Govt to help you, it may be too late. Wait for Govt to find job for you, it may be too late.

    Better to spend more time thinking how to have a better life especially if you are jobless now.

  8. As of now, I am what PAP called a floater and the Americans call the independent. I vote for neither until they can convince me they are good enough for the nation.

    By your logic, you will simply stick with the PAP. Because under the current system where there is unfair political competition & no checks and balances on the ruling party, the Opposition will never be good enough.

  9. No, by my logic, I will void my vote as I have no confident, no faith in either the PAP or the opposition.

  10. It is very sad to hear people void their 1 man 1 vote as not many people gets to vote in every GE.

    How can an opposition candidate gain your confidence if you do not even give him a chance to serve you as your MP? If he fails his job as a MP, just kick him out in the next GE, anything to lose as a voter?

    Based on the short campaign period, how to judge the opposition candidate if he can indeed perform better than the elite men in white?

  11. REX comments as follows,

    to know who wins the elections, just find out the percentage of civil servants among the electorate. i think 99% of civil servants will vote for pap because they still beleive their rice bowl is at stake.
    All this talk about giving opposition a chance is completely irrelevant if you are a civil servant and earning a regular salary (high or low, does not matter).

    If any major change is to be induced, a campaign should be started to encourage civil servants to be adventurous and do things with conscience, but it will be an uphill task, since they really beleive their ricebowl is at stake if they act otherwise.
    I wonder do civil servants in other countries also vote for the existing party.


  12. To: Rex, 6 Feb 2010, 8:27 AM

    1) Electorate should outnumber population of civil servants. However, if civil servant population gets bumped up just before GE, then your comment possibly true. NOTE: Bumped up can also bump down once use is over.

    2) MORE IMP: Isn't vote secret? How will PAP know which civil servant voted for them and who didn't? Just wayang2 sayang2 PAP very much. Ballot box is voter's conscience and judgement of what is prudent for future. If being prudent means OPPOSITION get voice and experience, so be it. Futhermore, through this, capable opposition leaders may appear to helm the leadership.

  13. Rex comments on anonymous 8.27 am

    as for item 1. well i cannot imagine how govt can suddenly increase the civil servant population suddenly... they are already so stingy about creating jobs and all the time just sitting down and asking people to work harder.

    as for item 2, of course there is this serial number on the ballot paper which makes everybody very kiasu. so civil servants traditionally have an entrenched belief that their vote is personally tracked by the ruling party and fed back to their bosses. And, of course the govt pretend to be oblivious of this or just say some comments to the contrary, but they know that the psychology works to their advantage, so having the serial numbers there even if absolute nothing is done to track, the whole thing still works to their advantage.
    What i think the opposittion can do is to bring up this issue more openly and persuade everybody that the vote is secret, indeed the official govt stance is the same the vote is secret. It's like believing in ghosts, you can't stop people from believing however hard you try.

