Friday, March 19, 2010

Bring tourists to Singapore

The Tourism Board has used the following tagline in past years:

Instant Asia
Uniquely Singapore
Your Singapore

Which tagline do you like best? Do you have any other suggestions? Share your views here.


  1. My past favourite is "Instant Asia". It was coined a long time ago and still has an impact.

    The worst is "Uniquely Singapore". STB was asked what is so unique about S'pore when every country in the world is unique in some way or other. STB's answer was that we the first to use that phrase. A poor justification, I might add.

    To get that extra dollar out of the tourists, I suggest the flwg tagline:-

    "Stay an extra Day".

  2. Seen Singapore ?

  3. Singapore, The Lion City

  4. Disneyland with the Death Penality and Defamation Suits

    this one best.

  5. Singapore Singapore, the city of casinos and cuisines.

    Surely, the 2 Cs are Singapore's Big Bet.

  6. To me, STB have just put the horse before the cart.

    Do you know what is Thailand's tagline? I don't. I just know when I want beach resort, I go Phuket, Thailand.

    Do you know what is Taiwan's tagline? I don't. I just know when I want good service, good food and friendly people, I go Taipei, Taiwan.

    Do you know what is Macau's tagline? I don't. I just know when I want short stay entertainment in the form of casinos, I go Macau.

    So, the crux of the issue lies in what has Singapore to offer as a DESTINATION. Once STB can figure that out, they will have a tagline for it. Even if they don't, people will just associate that event/place of interest with Singapore.

    When you want coffee, you either think of nearest Ya-Kun (for those traditionals) or Starbucks/Coffeebean (for arabicas and the cosy environment).

  7. Singapore a "fine/sin" city

  8. REX comments as follows,

    I agree with Wealth Journey above that the taglines are quite meaningless. If a place offers value, you just go. And vice versa.
    what value does singapore offer:
    1. clean city
    2. expensive shops
    3. casino
    4. universal studio
    what value it does not hve:
    1. weather (too hot!!)
    2. culture (neither east nor west)
    3. politeness and friendliness
    4. historical places
    5. arts
    6. music (all our music and arts festival are rubbish, imported western stuffs mostly)
    7. nature stuffs of great standard
    8. The True Smiles of a people feeling proud of their freedom.

    I really wonder why toursits want to visit us at all. Whatever shops we have here, are mostly selling products seen elsewhere. The historical and memorable artifacts are all commercialised beyond recognition. In any other country in the world you could still find some original historical remnants of great interest to tourists. There is almost nothing here that is not being systemeticall sterilised, commercialised, beyond recogniion. The Singlish is enough to turn people off, worst still being proud to speak such broken english and glorifying it. Makes my hair stand.


  9. I still prefer Instant Asia, it
    describe Singapore absolutely.
    Or - Singapore The Lion City, as
    our politicians said, we are not a country, but only a city.

  10. Singapore a "Fine City" because you will get fine for almost anything silly you do here.

  11. Singapore - Asia Lite

  12. I wish to acknowledge many good suggestions. I will now add my views to encourage further ideas.

    The qualities that can promote Singapore, and is quite unique to Singapore, are:

    - good food, i.e delicious
    - safe and fun (i.e. casino, universal studio, red light)

    My top choice is Gourmet Paradise. Remember, you can get information, sight seeing and culture by watching videos on the Internet, but you cannot taste food.

    The taglines are:

    Singapore, Gourmet Paradise
    Singapore, Fun and Delicious (shortened to FAD)

    Singpore, Safe and Delicious (shortened to SAD).

  13. A chinese lady told me she like the SIA Girl !

    SIA - A great way to fly
    SG - A great city to visit

  14. Singapore - GateWay to Asia, isle of Paradise! or
    Singapore - Splendid isle's of ASIA

  15. I would prefer the one which I thought of recently: 'Savoury Singapore'. Singapore should be all about makan and let the tourist bring back the 'taste' they experience from our country.

  16. I think Malaysia did well in their "Malaysia, Truly Asia..." tagline.

    Singapore, Port to be called when you are in Asia!
