Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Consummate Joker

Read this article.

1 comment:

  1. If the definition of "productivity" is clearly defined in Parliament, quite a lot of the debates generated during this Budget in Parliament would be in itself classified as WASTE and non-productive...this is the beauty of this Budget debate. LOL.

    To me...productivity concept is simply :-

    Say 2 efficient workers (A & B) - instructed to do the same work (input as per Anon. March 06, 2010 7:54 AM)...

    A did the work 100% correct(efficient) in 2 hours ...

    B did the works 100%correct (also efficient) in 3 hours ...

    But we say Worker A is not only efficient but also "effective" or "productive"...the productivity means he get it done in 1 hour lesser time...this must be due to his skills ... if 2 hours is reasonable time for him to complete his task.

    If the works are done by machine, we would expect the same rate of production.

    The productivity may drop because of poor processes ... this has to do with the management ... not the workers...

    Back to our Politicians and NTUC leaders, if they are "deaf" and prefers not to communicate on what is "productivity" with workers then it is no use giving workers training ... it will not help boost productivity ... the same applies to the mangement of companies ... so corporates must create the right culture for CHANGE.

    If they prefer to remain "deaf", I do not think they can be "effective" to implement policies to influence business and production processes to boost "productivity" ... and alot of these debates would be just "WASTE" and unproductive.

    Hence, such strategies often failed according to Change Consultants ... 50 ~ 70 % would fail because of poor leadership to see it through ... because people had chosen to be "deaf" which is wrong "CULTURE"...and workers would be confused.

    So it is not just the "frog" story but also the reverse engineering of the "rabbit and tortoise race" story in order to understand the definition of "productivity"...

    We need the frog to be as "persistent" as the tortoise but we need the same "tortoise" to run as fast as a rabbit but we need to prevent him from "sleeping" ... if people are "blind and deaf" ... they are as good as "sleeping" ... This is the CULTURAL aspect of the CHANGE which is required...[It also reminds me of a DPM sleeping when another DPM was speaking in Parliament.]
