Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Difficulty with Shield claim

Hi Kin Lian,
Trust & integrity from insurance companies are indeed important especially when it comes to claims. I wish to share my experience.

When I had an operation, I made a claim under my private shield insurance cover which came with enhancement including a rider for 100% coverage. These enhancements were purchased at a later stage and came with certain medical condition exclusions but it was stated specifically in the insurance cert that my original shield cover remains in tact and not subject to the exclusions. So whatever the issues arising on the exclusions, the minimum valid claim at least under my original cover would have been $X which was a substantial amount of the total medical bill. 

The key point I want to share with you and thru you to others is that initially my claim under my insurance policy for 100% cost was Totally DECLINED on the basis of dispute on the exclusions despite the above said minimum claim entitlement. It was errorneous and yet it took me a few months and a string of correspondences on deaf ears and only after finally a visit to their office to physically point out to them the relevant clauses in the insurance before they humbly and embarrassingly acknowledged to pay the $X claim amount unconditionally and immediately. Because of my perseverance and knowledge of the insurance terms, I prevailed. 

But if this is the way insurance companies administer claims and have an apparent built-in resistance to claims (possibly for profit-enhancement reasons), it is very wrong and unethical because there are many insureds out there who are less educated, informed or able to raise these issues and fight for their rights. Why should insureds even have to fight at all for their rightful dues? Shouldn't the company have qualified professionals to process claims independently and objectively according to the T&C of each cover? What form and standard of corporate governance does it have?

As an aside: the good news was that I won on my full claim in due course after almost a year of aggravation because the insurance co. ultimately backed out from the adjudication process. I cannot go into the details of the winning arguments except that one more positive that resulted was that the company was found to be unfair to both charge higher premiums for medical conditions and at the same time impose exclusions on the same medical conditions which amounted to a double whammy, and I got my premium reduced. Something is therefore also unfair with its underwriting process. 

I hope you can share your comments in a general manner on the latter as well as the claim process to alert the public and others who are similarly aggrieved. 

It is wrong for an insurance company to reject a legitimate claim in a careless manner. In some states in America, it is illegal for an insurance company to deny a claim without a valid reason. If they make a mistake or are are malicious, they have be fined by the authority or have to pay damages to the policyholders. This is stated in the text book that I used to teach risk management.

An insurance company has a duty to treat its customers fairly. Rejecting a valid claim is a serious breach of duty and breach of trust. The policyholder should not be put to so much trouble or distress in making a legitimate claim.


  1. That is why I purchased only insurance only when absolutely necessary like medical and that also to take care of the large bill. Or else try to self insured cause esp in eyes open big big environment, you ended up paying premium for nothing

  2. For legal reasons within a settlement between the insurer and the insured, both parties cannot be named. That is reasonable.

    However, the regulatory body should consider the prospect of publishing the name of the insurance company in instances of wrongful dismissal of claims or the number of claims per year that was successful against those that failed and on what grounds were these claims dismissed.

    This can be a performance marker for the public to gauge, sort of "MorningStar" ratings of a fund.

    At the moment, each insurer can tout to have the best policies and returns etc..but never a numerical index that is reliable.

    Shame to the regulators, they too have failed. Seems like they just sit and wait for payments of license etc. This is all so 3rd world.

  3. frankly I had a bad experience in trying to make a claim from NTUC before...this is after your time Mr Tan...but it just tells me that insurance companies here are perfect until u make a claim...

  4. Is it possible for an independent body be set up in SG to monitor both the Insurers and Claimants.

    While we understand that Insurers are ultimately a profit seeking entity, it also has an inherent twin role in providing some forms of "social security". Same can be said for end consumers who buy insurance as both protection and investment.

    Is it possible for an independent body to check, regulate and supervise specifically on Insurance matters? The body can be easily self funded, as charges can be embedded in all insurance products. Prices need not go higher, in fact it could go lower.

    Checks and fair pricing are likely capable of reducing abnormal profits for insurers while capping abnormal gains for consumers. With all these wild expectations of low risk high return being swept off from insurance products, consumers are sold genuine protection and stable investments at decent prices.

    With loose definition over the roles of insurers, profit maximising behaviour easily leads to uncontrolled risk taking culture which contradicts the whole idea of insurance. As we have seen from the recent Financial Crisis, AIG was bailout by the taxpayers because of their greed for obsene profits thru reckless risk taking.

    Or perhaps it is time for the market to find itself a white knight, who is willing to set up an insurance company selling what insurance is really meant to be?

  5. I just upgraded my Incomshield with
    NTUC with a rider to cover the co-
    insurance, so that it covers my bills 100% and I do not pay anything out of my pocket. With this article, I lament i may be footing the extra payment for nothing. Maybe i should cancel it
    next year if this insurance company
    is so sneaky.

  6. CPF Board should take back the insurance cover for Medicshied. If it is not their core business, then form a subsidiary to do it. At least the claims are faster and without any hassle.

  7. Anon, March 24, 2010 3:05 PM,
    there is no rider that covers 100%. Are you sure or not? The old one that covered 100% already discontinued. kenna conned or not?

  8. Why not support Mr. Tan to open an insurance company himself?

    And since he has been advocating trust and integrity, he would make a shining example of a good model in the present world where all existing and current insurers would have been rated untrustworthy, lousy customer service and conning consumers with bad products (in Mr. Tan's view).

  9. @anon 7:44 PM,

    Ouch! Must have lost a few deals. poor thing!

  10. Dear Mr Tan,

    If a Claim has been admitted by the company, but payout has been held on as they need us to get lawyer's letter etc (which usually will take a year plus), will bonus be given for the period where one is waiting for the lawyer's letter??

  11. This is the reply from NTUC regarding their service lapse. I agreed with one reader. I am luckier to have cash in all my policies 1 year ago before the financial crisis. I believe the bonus & the value of those policies must have dropped tremendously if I only cash in after the FC.

  12. To Wilson,

    Let me guess ... a family member's estate is now undergoing administration, and the insurer needs to see the letter of administration or grant of probate before paying out the insurance proceeds?

    If your family had reported the insured event e.g. death, to the insurer, then the insurance contract would have been terminated as of the date of the insured event. Insurance amount, cash values etc are calculated up to that date. I doubt if the company will continue to give bonus, since the insurance policy is terminated. The company is just withholding the money because of legal procedures (which is legally correct).

    As for paying you interest or some opportunity cost compensation, I also highly doubt it unless they want to advertise it as publicity stunt.

    By the way, the insurer can still payout the first $150K of the insurance money to a legitimate claimant e.g. immediate family member aged 21 yr old & above. Without have to see the letter of administration or grant of probate.

    PS: If you are persevering enough you can save lawyers' fees and apply for the letter of admin (if no Will) or grant of probate (if got Will) yourself. If the deceased's estate up to $3M, apply at Subordinate Courts. If more than $3M apply at Supreme Court.
    For letter of admin, your family need to provide 2 guarantors who have the $$$$ to cover the value of the estate. You may be able to seek the court's permission to do away with the guarantors.

  13. Mr Tan

    Do you think of lawyers who use legal tactics to deny a claim or part of a claim?

    Do you think there should be regulation to protect or should it left to the shortcomings in the legal systems?

  14. Hi consultant,

    thanks for the advice. For my case, the insurance company need us to apply for a court order, as my dad is determined to be mentally incapable of managing his finance (he had suffered a stroke and have problem communicating).

    Come to think of it, i should not have informed the insurance companies until the court order has been obtained...

  15. Mr Tan,

    Should I change my shield products to another company?

    Under what circumstances would it be worth my while to change it?

    What about my life policy? Should I cash it in?

    I am working class only.

    Please advise.

    Thank you.

  16. To Wilson,

    Sorry to hear about your dad's condition. So your family needs to apply to court for a Deputy to make decisions on behalf of your dad?
    I'm just surprised that it will take 1 year for the court to appoint a Deputy!

    You may check out the below for info regarding your situation.

    No harm contacting them for advice too.

  17. If you are still insurable you can cut losses instead of hanging on to bigger losses in the future..
    Buy term to cover whatever risks you still have and invest the rest in a broadly diversified portfolio regularly but not those regular ILPs which are also scams.

  18. Thanks Consultant...

    The law came too late... by then we had already applied for court order as my dad has already suffered from the stroke aldy...

    The whole procedure took about 7mths, and cost us $3000... If the Public Guardian law has been implemented earlier, we would have only paid 50 buck?!
