Monday, March 22, 2010

Does Singapore have a future?

Read this article by Dr. Wong Wee Nam.


  1. Me at 63........thinks
    What future? when there is shortage of land here and being over crowded and as a result,
    more Singaporeans are buying or investing in unregulated landbank investments here.....The hottest issue in this Blog?

    All I can think is that the sky is the limit, and with many many "Pinacles" type 50 storey buildings to come! Wonder whether the average Singaporeans can afford?

  2. ya network marketing one ..... no need research .... no need think so much ..... juz sell and sell the landbank investment

  3. A sad Singaporean says:

    I used to think there is a future for Singaproe. Now I am not so sure.

    I feel more and more disconnected from Singapore as years go by. 5 years ago, if someone ask me whether I would die for Singapore I would not hesitate to say "Yes". Now, I say do I look stupid to you!

  4. What future when 2012 is coming soon!

  5. There is a future and as what I see on following scenarios:

    1).Millionaires will live in Condos/Landed Properties 'cause the selling prices of Condos. min $1000/-psf or higher.
    2). Thousandaires will live in HDB
    3). ERP Gantries will be at every Postal Districts or worst case your door step!
    4). All buses will be Double Deckers!
    5). Skytrains too, will be the mode of transportation!
    6). Hypermarkers will be the "in thing" as compared to Supermarkets!
    7). Motorised wheelchairs will be in high demand due to aging population!
    8). CPF LIFE dependents will be active by then.

  6. still looking goodMarch 24, 2010 12:58 AM

    Singapore has a future as long as those who cannot see beyond their rice bowl and hdb flat continue to believe they have a sweetheart relationship with the PAP.

  7. S'pore has a future for FTs, PRs, rich and powerful people.

    If you are none of the above, your future is not in S'pore.

  8. S'pore has a future if you can pay higher resale HDB flats, higher University Fees / relentless High COEs ......the gahment need money to run the country efficiently. If "Money No Enough" then NO future???
