Saturday, March 20, 2010

FISCA website


"FiSCA's website (Financial Services Consumer Association) has been updated to make it easier for you to find out what's happening in the financial world that relates to you, the consumer. The news, views & reviews section will include updates from writers that will help promote independent financial education. Members can also participate in the discussion to tap on the wisdom and experience of our members and volunteers.

Do pay the website a visit. You can follow FISCA on RSS, or why not just join FiSCA. Here's why you should join FiSCA."


  1. That is a Great Website, Mr Tan.

    Many Thanks for your informing us.

  2. I just visited the website but after navigating around, sad to say, I found nothing useful for free and not open - everything requires registration.

    I also felt there are a lot of "selling" from the questions posed to attract the people to click on the links.

    Why is there a need to "sell" if the service or information is good?

    Sorry to be frank, but it is not a useful website at all.

  3. Dear anonymous,

    FiSCA aims to provide useful information that promotes independent financial thinking. It is not intended to sell anything, despite what you perceive as selling.

    The links are a way to direct people to the right places within FiSCA. The outgoing links are normally some sources of information which FiSCA readers might find useful.

    If you do have useful inputs that you think will benefit FiSCA and their readers, you can contact us directly. Your feedback is always welcome.
