Friday, March 19, 2010

Good service in Singapore

Please share examples of good service that you find in Singapore.

The eating places near my workplace and home provide good service. The stall holders are hardworking, friendly and charge reasonable prices. They are not greedy for excessive profits.


  1. I know of a stall in Golden shoe selling soy beans who have been very friendly even when I don't buy anything from them.

  2. Starbucks had always Have a high service standard but recently when I was at plaza singapura starbucks I was very surprise still at their good service.

    I drop my cup of coffee on the floor. Probably 1/3 drank and made a mess. The staff was kind and caring, they help me clean up the mess and offer a replacement coffee for me. They leave me a very good impression and I always says, starbucks is your friend. :P

  3. Robinsons. The only store in Singapore where they seem to be willing to follow up and help you find what you want. The only experience i have ever had in Singapore of somebody being willing to call another branch or order in for me later in the week was in Robinsons. All other stores - "no stock lah!"

  4. Most food stall holders at hawker centres provides good service. Those in restaurants had a mixed level of services. Those in hig-end boutiques are the worst service providers.

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