Friday, March 05, 2010

High cost of driving

I went to Suntec City to deliver a talk. I had to drive there, as I had to carry the materials needed for the talk. I left home at 7.45 a.m. hoping to avoid the ERP charges at Central Expressway. I did not realise that the ERP charges start from 7.30 a.m. I paid a total of $6 for the ERP charges along the expressway and to enter the Central Business District. Parking at Suntec city for slightly longer than 4 hours cost $11. This reminded me of the high cost of driving in Singapore.


  1. Yea, have to take public transport
    in city areas, there are so many ERP gantry traps that you have to and pay thru' the nose.
    Living costs here are so stressful that we feel suffocated the moment
    we step out of the door.

  2. Even before we step out of the door, the high cost of public housing here already give us undue stress!

  3. I have received a few rude remarks from people who used this opportunity to attack me anonymously.

    I am just expressing an observation, so there is no need for these rude attacks, made anonymously.

    I blocked their comments. I suspect that these people hate me for the views that I expressed, or they are being paid to do this type of dirty work.

  4. If you earn little, it is stressful as everything cost dearly. As a Chinese parent, children private tuitions are needed to meet the competition in school.

    But if you earn $250,000 a month, there is no worries. If children don't do well especially in Chinese, get doctor to excuse children from the language. To minimize local school stress, send them oversea for a less stressful university education. Engaging private tuition for each subjects so as to ensure good academic standing. All this is possible because Money Is More Than Enough.

    Wonder why G.Yeo so free to comment on J.Neo? Also wonder what has he done to deserve the $250,000 a month salary? The only thing I can remember is his travelling and hand shaking pictures.

    There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor. This is one of them i.e. Minister and heartlander....
