Monday, March 15, 2010

Opposition chief tells Singaporeans: Don't be afraid

Kenneth Jeyaretnam, whose late father and veteran opposition leader
was bankrupted in defamation lawsuits by the ruling People's Action Party (PAP),
said his two-year-old Reform Party was encouraging people
to come out and offer different views.

"Firstly, do not be afraid.  You have a right to exercise, to have a say, in how your country is run,"
Jeyaretnam told Reuters in an interview at his apartment...

"Singapore is not going to collapse.
 Competition in politics is as necessary as it is in economics to ensure efficiency."


  1. Question is how many will heed his call.

    Can only tell by how many walkovers for PAP and % votes for the opposition at the next election.

    Frankly I would wish 0 walkovers for PAP and more than 33% votes for the opposition. Hope the wish turn into reality. By the way, hope and wish are 4 letter words.

  2. Yes, offer differing views that at least make some sense, if not a lot of sense. Don't just stand up and talk rubbish. Always give views that are beneficial to society, not just views that benefit some selfish personal desires, but are harmful for others.

  3. no point tryin to get overly emotional and launching personal attacks in arguements. noone is perfectly apt to judge another's moral standing n ethical upbringing.

    being objective and pragmatic is what singaporeans need. high ideals and verbal espousals of morals and ethics do not solve problems. what we need are solid ideas backed up by concrete data and pratical solutions.

    sometimes, its both amusing and disheartening to see many who, under many forms of guises, are highly critical but could not offer any solutions. its relatively easier to find fault than work out a feasible solution.

    while i appluad Mr Tan's sincere and solid efforts to set up such an informative website, im sad to see the recent degenerative comments and off tangent posts, denigrating the once sterling standards of this webpage.

    I hope the users, should practise what they preach. Be true to the people, do not misuse the commonwealth to advance your own selfish aims. This website is a commonwealth of knowledge, please direct your personal grudges and leanings to some other places.

  4. it is high time to stop referring to the other political parties as "Opposition parties". They may opppose or disagree with PAP, but they are PRO Singaporeans.

    They should be called "Pro Singapore parties"

  5. We should call the "opposition parties" as the "replacement parties", ready to replace the expensive, self-serving, pro-foreigners and wayang incumbent ruling party.

    Reform Party (RP) has got the right name same as Replacement Parties (RP).

    Vote for RP(s)! Vote the PAP out!! S'pore for S'poreans!!!

  6. Actually i beg to differ. The constituency i live in which has always been hotly don't see the opposition members around until the elections. To me if you want to contest for an elected position and serve the people, you need to come and know and understand what and how the people are doing first, especially during non election years.

    People don't vote blindly. You reap what you sow. Do the opposition expect to get votes just by turning up during elections?

    In the first place these opposition members are not interacting with fellow constituents..and i'm not saying they rarely do it..i'm saying they totally never do it! At least I will still see my MPs around asking us how we are doing. There's no point voting for opposition members because what they say has always been contradictory to what they do. At least they won't get my vote.

    There will never be a day when the government approves policies that satisfy all Singaporeans. However I believe as long as they are accountable in what they do and are fair to majority of us, they are a worthy and capable government.
